Excluded lives: The largest-scale survey on the social and legal marginalization of transgender people in Hong Kong so far
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In the lead-up to the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (upcoming on 17th May 2021), the latest survey of 234 transgender people in Hong Kong between 2019 and 2020, the largest survey on the population in Hong Kong so far, has been released on 12th May 2021.
The survey conducted by the Sexualities Research Programme of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in collaboration with the Transgender Resource Center, found that:
Rejection, victimisation and discrimination were the rule rather than the exception in many transgender people’s lives in Hong Kong. 76% of the respondents reported facing rejection in different dimensions of social life in their lifetime. 62% of the respondents reported having experienced different forms of victimisation in their lifetime. 51.1% of the respondents reported facing discrimination in at least one of the following four domains in the previous year: Employment (34.8%), education (34.8%), provision of goods and services (36.9%) and disposal and management of premises (26.2%).
Transgender people in Hong Kong reported great difficulties in using a toilet which matches their self-identified gender, or even simply accessing toilets in public spaces. Worse still, when using the toilet, transgender people in Hong Kong were subjected to verbal assault, physical violence, or even sexual contact against their wishes.
A substantial proportion of the respondents had not undergone, were not sure or did not want to undergo gender-affirming medical interventions because of a variety of reasons, which means they were excluded from being eligible for a change of the sex entry on the identity card sex entry based on the current regulations set out by the Hong Kong government. Only 5.6% of the respondents had changed the on their identity card, and another 6% said they were in the process of doing so. 75% agreed that the government should recognise non-binary gender options.
All of such social and legal marginalisation took a toll on the transgender people’s mental health in Hong Kong. 42.8% of the respondents showed moderate-to-severe levels of depressive symptoms, and 34.7% showed moderate-to-severe levels of anxiety symptoms. Besides, 31.2% of the respondents reported non-suicidal self-injurious behaviour in the past 12 months. There were 76.9% of them contemplated suicide, 25.6% made a suicide plan, and 12.8% attempted suicide in their lifetime. However, transgender people displayed agency and one-third of them took action to resist when facing transgender-related discrimination/cisgenderism.
> Download English Press Release
> Download English Research Report
Chinese News Coverage:
1. 明報:中大調查:逾四成跨性別受訪者出入境遭負面對待 有抑鬱症狀
2. 東方: 研究指近8成受訪跨性別人士有自殺念頭 倡設性別身份反歧視法
3. 商業電台:中大調查發現過半跨性別人士曾遭歧視
4. 立場新聞: 研究指近 8 成跨性別人士有自殺念頭 促政府訂性別承認法、反歧視法
5. 眾新聞: 跨性別平權W案後無寸進 中大調查:51%受訪者面對歧視
6. HK01: 調查發現近八成跨性別人士曾想過自殺 學者促跟進性別承認法
7. 頭條新聞:中大調查發現 逾半跨性別人士曾遭歧視
8. AM730: 八成跨性別港人想過自殺 專家倡精神健康支援
9. 經濟一週:中大調查|過半跨性別港人曾遭歧視
10. 香港商報: 中大調查:本港近八成跨性別受訪者表示曾遭歧視
English News coverage:
11. RTHK News: Transgender people face broad discrimination: survey
12. SCMP: Three-quarters of transgender people in Hong Kong have considered suicide, Chinese University survey reveals
13. Hong Kong Free Press: Half of transgender people in Hong Kong face discrimination, CUHK research shows
14. The Standard: Half of transgenders face discrimination: survey
Live radio programme current affairs:
15. RTHK Hong Kong Today (13 May):
一) 跨性別社群主導或參與度比較高的出版 – 為數非常稀少,亦集中於男跨女的內容;
二) 媒體訪問 – 故事的呈現都取決於市場需求與媒體取向,很多時為迎合讀者口味,都會限制了涉獵的範圍;
三) 學生訪問與學術研究 – 因對像並非一般讀者,取材與討論範圍都有所局限。研究所用的故事並不容易給一般讀者消化,也比較少廣泛流傳。
其他出版刊物 <- 擊點這裡
TDOR 2018 Transgender Day of Remembrance
The Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR), also known as the International Transgender Day of Remembrance, is observed annually on November 20 as a day to memorialize those who have been murdered as a result of transphobia and to draw attention to the continued violence endured by the transgender community.
Transgender Day of Remembrance was founded in 1999 by Gwendolyn Ann Smith, a transgender woman, to memorialize the murder of transgender woman Rita Hester in Allston, Massachusetts. Since its inception, TDoR has been held annually on November 20, and it has slowly evolved from the web-based project started by Smith into an international day of action. In 2010, TDoR was observed in over 185 cities throughout more than 20 countries.
illustration by Julian Sun 2018 |
illustration by Vincy Chan 2018 |
Relocation Notice 搬遷啟示
我們在黃埔差館里的中心不知不覺已經開設了11個多月,在接收該位置時,我們已跟捐贈者定好於2018年9月 期滿時需要交還給業主,我們亦已於9月9日搬往新蒲崗的一個較小型的辦公室繼續工作。但由於去年的基金申請不太順利,我們亦因經營中心付出了更多的人手,以至籌款項目未能如期進行,現在於缺乏經營資金下,我們基本上以接近零員工運作下去,餘下的工作大部分以義工去承擔。因此,新中心不會經常開放,如需探訪,請提早預約。
* 來訪者到達11樓門口,請按對講機042再等待接通,我們的房間在入門口右手邊直行到尾左轉便是。
辦公室電話:+852-8203-2100 (如未有人接聽時請留言)
電郵:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Time flies, our center located in Station Lane, Whampoa had been opened for more than 11 months. We had made an agreement when receiving the property with the donor to hand it back to the landlord at the expiration of the tenancy in September 2018. On 9th September, we have already moved to a smaller office in San Po Kong. Due to the application of funding last year not going smoothly. Also, an increase in deploying human resources into the center operation, the fundraising event cannot be held as scheduled. As a result, we are currently lacking funds and basically running the center without staffs but volunteers. Therefore, the new center is not going to open often. If you want to visit us, please kindly make an early appointment.
The new Center address and contact information are listed below:
Address: Room 42, 11/F, Lee Ka Industrial Building, 8 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong
How to get here: Approx. 7 minutes walk from Diamond Hill MTR Station Exit A2/Approx. 5 minutes walk from Sze Mei Street Bus Terminus
* Visitors arrive at 11F, please press 042 on door-phone and wait for a response. After that, please turn right, walk straight to the end, and our room is located right at the left-hand side.
Telephone no.:+852-8203-2100 (if no one is answering, please leave your message)
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
TGR 介紹片
想知更多關於TGR 嘅野,就快D 嚟睇下以下嘅Youtube 片啦
If you want to know more about TGR, please check out this youtube video!
With two handsome transmen introduce the services offered by TGR to you!
Video : https://youtu.be/mmro8ok1faA
Channel : http://youtube.com/c/TransgenderResourceCenterHK
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