As a result of the current shortage of people power and overloaded works, any student interview requests will not be replied!

Since 2008, TGR devotes in serving transgender community and help the society to eliminate misunderstandings and fear towards LGBT groups. As a result, TGR made significant changes and influences in Hong Kong and mainland China. TGR started as a volunteer team with only one person. In 2012, TGR recruited the first full-time staff and soon developed to three full-time colleagues in 2016. With more staffs, we work wholeheartedly together and finished more works. For instances, we developed a project called ‘TransChina’ in mainland China. Unfortunately, in 2015-2016, due to the unsuccessful application of projects and unwillingness to give up all the meaningful jobs, we missed out many precious opportunities of fundraising and funding application. During this 10 years, TGR helped numerous transgender people. Nevertheless, only a few of them are willing to stay and support us as volunteer. Owing to the lack of human resources and other funding/resources, we have no choice but to cut down our project items as well as student interviews, as we really want to reply but regrettably, we have no time and effort to do so in this moment.

Our volunteer team members are mainly non-transgender people who are responsible for counselling and hot-line services. We sincerely hope that you can devote your time and passion in TGR if you are interested in supporting our job or work with us. Besides, we would be more than grateful if you can support us financially. We are now recruiting 20 people who are willing to donate HK$500 per month, or any amount of money to TGR as you want. Please feel free to contact us and thank you for supporting TGR!

Below is our standard service charge. All income will be contributed in the operation of TGR: 

Item Fee
Video recording interview $1,000/hr 
General interview  $800/hr
General in person consultation  $800/hr
Seminar/Workshop speaker fee  $1,800/hr
Advisory fee  $3,000+/project
Legal consultation (provided by volunteer lawyer Walter W.T. Liu)  Case by case to free


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (This email address will not response to any counseling service or support request. Please use our counseling service with this link)

If you would like to receive our newsletter and activities in Chinese, please register the email group below:



TGR Facebook Page

TGR Facebook Group - Chinese (referral required)

TGR Big Boys Club Facebook Group (for FTM/Transman)

TGR Facebook Group - English Channel

TG.AskME (you can ask for help or questions here)

TransBuddy Program Facebook Page跨性別同行計劃-Trans-Buddy-Program-758691377574265/

TransAlly Facebook Page


Other Platform: 

Youtube Channel

Youku Channel




Telegram Channel
