現場沒有無性別洗手間設施, 聚會期間禁止拍照及在網上分享聚會內容。
現場沒有無性別洗手間設施, 聚會期間禁止拍照及在網上分享聚會內容。
We need donations and support from enthusiastic people to keep our work going. If you share our vision, please consider making a donation to us. After your contribution, please kindly email the date of deposit, the amount, and reference to us for our records. Thank you!
Email: [email protected]
Pay by Credit card/Apple Pay/Google Pay/WeChat Pay:
If you would like to pay by Apply Pay, please open this page with Safari. For Google Pay use Chrome to open. And then click the Amount button below, the donate button or scan the QR Code and select the number of that amount. To change the quantity, look for the "Detail" button which is located on the top of mobile and left hand size of computer.
Other amount or currency:
Enroll our mailing list:
Email: [email protected]
For counseling or support service, please use the counseling info.
*We can’t arrange any more interview as we are busy with the daily workloads. But may have other arrangements in the future.
* As we are lacking funds to continue our support to the community, we suggest for a donation every time you use our service and find it helpful! Thanks!
"TG.AskME" is a service for you to ask any questions regarding your worries, and difficulties in a safe channel via Facebook chat or email.
[email protected]
Trans Friendly Hotline:
Queer Sister Hotline
Hotline: 9260-8191
Please send a WhatsApp message to
arrange the time to speak to a peer counsellor
24-hour Supporting Hotline for Sexual Minorities:
PRIDE Line 2217-5959
Click here for details
TGR Trans Friendly Counseling Service
Please click this link for more details.