Transgender Kids 關愛跨性別孩子

出版資料: [United Kingdom :BBC Documentaries, 2015]
Director導演: Tom Barrow
Duration片長: 59 minutes 59 分鐘
劇情簡介: Louis Theroux travels to San Francisco where a group of pioneering medical professionals help children who say they were born in the wrong body transition from boy to girl or girl to boy at ever younger ages.
At the Child and Adolescent Gender Center at UCSF Hospital Louis meets children who have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria. Louis is told that children as young as three can show signs of rejecting the gender they were assigned at birth, leaving parents with a difficult dilemma - do they start transitioning a child who is still developing their own identity or do they wait and risk making the change once their body has gone through the transformations of puberty?
It is a decision that can be the start of a complex series of medical interventions, from puberty blockers to hormone replacement therapy and eventually gender reassignment surgery. Louis spends time with children and their families as they negotiate their way along this life-changing journey.
A Place in the Middle 擁抱彩虹的孩子

出版資料: [美國 / 2014]
Director導演: Dean Hamer, Joe Wilso
Duration片長: 25 minutes 25分鐘
建議觀眾:高小至初中 夏威夷小六學生Ho’onani,喜愛在音樂課上盡情高歌。這個學期,跨性別班主任Hina老師陪伴著她,經歷令人歡喜令人愁的性別疑惑,認識真正的Aloha精神。榮獲提名德國柏林國際電影節泰迪熊獎及水晶熊獎
劇情簡介: “A Place in the Middle” is about Ho'onani, a Haiwaiian 6th grade student, who enjoys singing in music class. Ho'onani identifies herself as "Mahu" - the third sex in-between male and female in Hawaiian cultural tradition. In this school term, Ho'onani has put under drama training with a group of boys. Accompanying by her transgender teacher, Hina, Ho'onani brings us to experience the happiness and sadness in exploring sexuality, the true Aloha spirit.
古夏威夷人相信人並不是非男即女,他們的社會包括男性、女性和瑪胡 “Mahu” ( 同時擁有男性和女性特質的人 ) ,古夏威夷人相信某程度上人人都是瑪胡,而瑪胡在古代社會既是醫生又是老師,受到人們尊敬。可是,在外國文化影響下,這個傳統思想漸漸淡化,《擁抱彩虹的孩子》講述了一個瑪胡孩子通過老師的愛和支持完成了他的夢想。
Version語言, Subtitles字幕: 英語及夏威夷語對白,中英文字幕
Next Goal Wins

出版資料: [United Kingdom : Archer's Mark, Agile Films and K5 International, 2014]
Director導演: Mike Brett and Steve Jamison
Duration片長: 93 minutes 93 分鐘
劇情簡介: Next Goal Wins is a 2014 British documentary film directed by Mike Brett and Steve Jamison. The film chronicles the national football team of American Samoa as they try to recover from the indignity of being known as one of the weakest football teams in the world, and to qualify for the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Version語言, Subtitles字幕: English英語及Samoan薩摩亞語, English英語
Madam Phung's Last Journey 馮女士的最後旅程

出版資料: [Vietnam :Blue Productions, 2014]
Director導演: Tham Nguyen Thi
Duration片長: 87 minutes 87 分鐘
劇情簡介: Where does theatre begin and real life end? Endearing Madame Phung and her transvestite singers travel around Vietnam, sparking fascination and hostility from the local people.
Version語言, Subtitles字幕: Vietnamese越南語 , French法語

出版資料: [香港: GDotTV, 2013]
Director導演: 郭可芹
Duration片長: 19 minutes 19 分鐘
劇情簡介: 性別是與身俱來的?又有多少人了解「性別」呢?本片由性別定型帶入,探討跨性別人士在這狹隘空間中的自處與他處︰由備受歧視到奮力發聲,由建立認同到爭取平權,用鏡頭記錄,為觀眾呈現Ta們一路走來的足印與悲喜。
Version語言, Subtitles字幕: Cantonese粵語, No subtitles無字幕
Brothers 兄弟

出版資料: [中國: 同志亦凡人、北京紀安德及中國酷兒獨立影像小組, 2013]
Director導演: Yaoyao妖妖
Duration片長: 30 minutes 30分鐘
劇情簡介: 在中國,跨性別人群往往承受著他人無法理解的困難。有這麼一群女跨男身份的人,他們互稱‘兄弟’。而Tony就是他們其中的一個。
本片真實的記錄了Tony對於自我身份的認定,工作上的艱難以及當想要通過手術去改變性別時的艱辛歷程。 “就算是死了,我也要改變性別之後再死”片中主人公哽咽著吶喊出了內心深處的訴求與無奈….. 跟隨Tony的腳步,帶你了解女跨男群體真實的生存現狀。
Version語言, Subtitles字幕: English英語, 無字幕
影片格式: DVD
影碟數量: 1
Version語言, Subtitles字幕: Mandarin普通話, English英語及Simplified Chinese簡體字
The VaChina Monologues 來自陰道

出版資料: [中國: 海狸社及同志亦凡人, 2013]
Director導演: Fan Popo范坡坡
Duration片長: 30 minutes 30分鐘
劇情簡介: 2003年12月,廣州中山大學中文系公演了《陰道獨白》。自此,這部來自美國、致力於消除性別暴力的女性主義戲劇,在中國大陸燃起了一股陰道之火。上海復旦大學知和社、上海海狸社、北京Bcome小組,不同的劇組用不同的方式演繹。她們在學校演、在小劇場演、在咖啡館演、在街頭演、在地鐵裡演。《陰道獨白》也有了自己的中國名字:《陰DAO多雲》、《陰道之道》、《將陰道獨白到底》。這些名字都保留著那個令公眾感到刺耳的詞——陰道。“陰道,我說出來了”,這是一個說出來的過程,也是一個行動的過程;這是自我覺醒的過程,也是走向公眾空間的過程;這是學習、認識的過程,也是本土化的過程。十年後,我們重走陰道,去問問當年的參與者,看看現在的行動者,聽聽來自陰道的聲音。
Version語言, Subtitles字幕: English英語, 無字幕
影片格式: DVD
影碟數量: 1
Version語言, Subtitles字幕: Mandarin普通話, English英語及Simplified Chinese簡體字
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