出版資料: [美國 / 2014]
Director導演: Dean Hamer, Joe Wilso
Duration片長: 25 minutes 25分鐘
建議觀眾:高小至初中 夏威夷小六學生Ho’onani,喜愛在音樂課上盡情高歌。這個學期,跨性別班主任Hina老師陪伴著她,經歷令人歡喜令人愁的性別疑惑,認識真正的Aloha精神。榮獲提名德國柏林國際電影節泰迪熊獎及水晶熊獎
劇情簡介: “A Place in the Middle” is about Ho'onani, a Haiwaiian 6th grade student, who enjoys singing in music class. Ho'onani identifies herself as "Mahu" - the third sex in-between male and female in Hawaiian cultural tradition. In this school term, Ho'onani has put under drama training with a group of boys. Accompanying by her transgender teacher, Hina, Ho'onani brings us to experience the happiness and sadness in exploring sexuality, the true Aloha spirit.
古夏威夷人相信人並不是非男即女,他們的社會包括男性、女性和瑪胡 “Mahu” ( 同時擁有男性和女性特質的人 ) ,古夏威夷人相信某程度上人人都是瑪胡,而瑪胡在古代社會既是醫生又是老師,受到人們尊敬。可是,在外國文化影響下,這個傳統思想漸漸淡化,《擁抱彩虹的孩子》講述了一個瑪胡孩子通過老師的愛和支持完成了他的夢想。
網上影片連結: https://vimeo.com/121840165
Version語言, Subtitles字幕: 英語及夏威夷語對白,中英文字幕