Be Like Others
出版資料: [United States:Reid production, 2008]
Director導演: Tanaz Eshaghian
Duration片長: 74 minutes 74 分鐘
劇情簡介: The documentary explores issues of gender and sexual identity while following the personal stories of some of the patients at a Tehran gender reassignment clinic.
Version語言, Subtitles字幕: English英語, English英語
Cruel and Unusual
出版資料: [United States:Reid production, 2006]
Director導演: Janet Baus, Dan Hunt and Reid Williams
Duration片長: 63 minutes 63 分鐘
劇情簡介: The documentaryis about the experiences of male-to-female transsexual women in the United States prison system.
Version語言, Subtitles字幕: English英語, English英語
Middle Sexes: Redefining He and She
出版資料: [United States: Deep Stealth Productions, Granada Films, Granada Television and Home Box Office (HBO), 2005]
Director導演: Antony Thomas
Duration片長: 75 minutes 75 分鐘
劇情簡介: The documentary examines the diversity of human sexual and gender variance around the globe, with commentary by scientific experts and first-hand accounts of people who do not conform to a simple male/female binary.
Version語言, Subtitles字幕: English英語, English英語
Southern Comfort
出版資料: [United States :Q-Ball Productions, 2001]
Director導演: Kate Davis
Duration片長: 90 minutes 90 分鐘
劇情簡介: Southern Comfort is about the final year in the life of Robert Eads, a transgender man. Eads, diagnosed with ovarian cancer, was turned down for treatment by a dozen doctors out of fear that treating such a patient would hurt their reputations. By the time Eads received treatment, the cancer was too advanced to save his life.
Version語言, Subtitles字幕: English英語, No subtitles無字幕
Women's Private Parts 女人那話兒
出版資料: [香港: 東方電影製作有限公司, 2000]
Director導演: Barbara Wong Chun-chun 黄真真
Film Division級別: Level Three 第III級
Duration片長: 100 minutes 100分鐘
劇情簡介: 女導演黃真真以紀錄片的形式展現香港現代女性的人生觀、價值觀、尤其是對性愛的心得體會,通過對不同的女性人群,包括性工作者、專職太太、情婦、女演員、艷星、女導演、女同性戀、女中學生等人的訪問與跟蹤拍攝,深刻地描繪了進入21世紀後香港女性對自己的重新定位、對女性價值的重新探討與對兩性關系的再認識。具有深刻的揭示意義,也引起大眾的深思。
網上影片鏈結: 暫無資源
影片格式: DVD
影碟數量: 1
Version語言, Subtitles字幕: Cantonese粵語, Traditional chinese繁體中文及English英語
Shinjuku Boys 新宿男孩
出版資料: [United Kingdom : 20th Century Vixen, 1995]
Director導演: Kim Longinotto and Jano Williams
Duration片長: 53 minutes 53 分鐘
劇情簡介: 在這個性別卷標年代,如果男人與女人除生理外沒有其他外在差別,他們還會選擇這樣的行為模式嗎?雖然我們永遠無法知道真正的答案,但是你我仍無法避免地以既定的印象投射於眼前的芸芸眾生。
Version語言, Subtitles字幕: Japanese日語, Traditional Chinese繁體中文及English英語
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