
A Handbook for Parents of Trans People







我流著淚看完了整篇報道,帶著沉重的心情寫完了這本小冊子,願上帝的愛與恩寵,臨到這些已經離開了我們的跨性別朋友,願 [1] TA 們在天上的靈,仍然能夠看見TA們的心願有天能夠達成,祝福我們那些可愛孩子所心愛的父母!誠心所願!

梁詠恩 Joanne Leung




Joanne是我第一個認識的跨性別朋友。在認識她之前,因為興趣和工作,我讀了不少有關跨性別的書。但不管讀了多少書,遇到真正的跨性別朋友的時候,我和我的學生一樣的無措。在最初認識Joanne的時候,我和她相處都會特別「小心」,會擔心自己的無心之失會讓她感到不受尊重。除了一般朋友相處需要的禮貌,我會特別留心自己的用詞和舉動。 對自己最起碼的要求,是性別代名詞不要搞錯,必須尊重跨性別朋友選擇的性別稱呼(其實對每一個人,我們都應該養成這種尊重個人性別認同或不認同的基本禮貌,以對方的選擇為依歸)。其他的日常相處,作為朋友比較簡單,就是最基本的尊重和理解。十年相處下來,我和Joanne已經變成好朋友,也是性/別運動的好戰友。 將心比心,如果我是跨性別,我會希望別人怎樣對待我。我是本著這種原則,慢慢學習和跨性別朋友相處。


金曄路 (Lucetta Kam)




  • 引言
  • 導讀
  • 跨性別資源中心簡介
  • 性別的基本概念
  • 性別是什麼?
  • 跨性別是什麼?
  • 性別認同又是什麼?
  • 性傾向的概念
  • 間性人(Intersex)
  • 變性手術
  • 家長關心的問題 (Q&A)
    1. 如果懷疑子女是跨性別或同性戀,該怎樣做?
    2. 如果子女跟我說TA是跨性別或同性戀,該怎樣做?
    3. 如何分辨TA到底是跨性別還是同性戀?
    4. 這和我的教養或遺傳有關嗎?
    5. TA是被別人教壞的嗎?是因為受過傷害或童年陰影所至嗎?
    6. 為何TA對很多事情都過份敏感?很容易發脾氣?
    7. 跨性別是精神病嗎?
    8. 該怎樣與跨性別孩子溝通?
    9. 應該要TA找學校社工,或其他社工幫忙嗎?
    10. 以後該怎樣稱呼TA?
    11. 在親戚朋友面前怎樣面對TA的轉變?
    12. 該怎樣向親友中的小朋友解說?
    13. TA好像沒有考慮我們的感受及難處
    14. 溝通過之後關係變了,怎麼辦?
    15. TA什麼意見都不願意聽
    16. TA好像經常在變,是說謊嗎?
    17. 不能接受自己的性別,就必需要做變性手術嗎?
    18. 男孩子喜歡女裝打扮,女孩子男仔頭,都是同性戀嗎?
    19. 變性手術危險嗎?
    20. 變性手術會帶來身體的傷害嗎?
    21. 香港在那裡有變性手術做?要花很多錢嗎?
    22. 如需接受變性手術,應從何開始?
    23. 如果TA已結婚,甚至有小朋友,怎麼辦?
    24. 可以跟TA斷絕子女關係嗎?
    25. 我想TA暫時離開不和我們同住可以嗎?
    26. TA將來的人生會怎樣?
    27. TA會不會找不到工作?
    28. 跨別人士會不會很短命?
    29. 如果TA本來是男生,穿女裝出外會有問題嗎?
    30. TA應該去那一個洗手間?
    31. 如果TA要去與原生性別相反的洗手間會犯法嗎?
    32. 手術前出入境會有問題嗎?
  • 聽聽孩子們的心聲
  • 結語
  • 作者簡介






記錄的科技與操控權,也掌控了我們閱讀及明白歷史的藍本框架。古代世界的歷史,沒有整全地被人類記錄下來,但遺留下的蛛絲馬跡,卻可讓我們重塑窺視歷史裡的時空。我們在閱讀古詩與文獻時,不難發現跨性別與同性戀並不是什麼新事物,也並不是什麼可恥之事。在世界各地裡帶給很多人生存盼望的聖經,被公認為教導愛與恕、接納與包容的基石,記載了多樣性的人倫關係,有大衛與約拿單的 摯愛戀慕,堪比中國的梁祝之戀,也有耶穌的家庭論,但卻被那些解釋聖經的權威篡改,被利用成為攻擊跨性別與同性戀者的武器。歷史遺留下來的紀錄,只是事實的片段及表像,我們並不能單看表面的文字,而忘卻了聖經的教導本意和精粹。







這本手冊希望從父母的角度,去探討及解答一般作為跨性別家長通常會遇到的疑問,讓父母與子女重新建立互信的關係,從而一起走過難關,向著新的生命與挑戰進發。期望父母持開放客觀的態度,耐心看完這本手冊,及本系列的 [2] 第一冊《是非男女:本土跨性別閱讀手冊》。如需進一步協助,可於網站上查閱其他服務及資料,或聯絡本機構性別諮詢熱線查詢。



跨性別資源中心(Transgender Resource Center)簡稱TGR,成立於2008年7月1日,致力於推動香港及中國內地的跨性別運動,以教育為基礎出發,為社會人士及跨性別社群提供資訊及資源,幫助社會了解及加深認識跨性別議題,及讓跨性別人士得到應有之協助及權益。




其他詳細資料請參閱組織網站 www.tgr.org.hk





「性別」這個名詞其實代表了不同層面的意義,這個名詞在英語,最基本可以翻譯成Sex和Gender。Sex即生理性別,而Gender是指除生理層面外,一個人於社會、生活和人際關係中,於性別區分的種種不同表達、呈現及感受等。而這些的區分很大程度上是經文化和傳統等演化及建構出來的,而非與生俱來的性别特質。我們日常生活中看見的性別,諸如外觀或衣著等,都不是生理性別。所以有學者認為性別是一種[4] 表演/操演,大部份都是從模仿中學習而成。








性別認同(Gender Identity)指一個人心理上覺得或認同自己是什麼性別,一般人的性別認同跟其原生性別吻合,但跨性別人士卻出現不協調或沖突的情況。性別認同可以是「男」或者「女」,但也有不能認同這種二元分割的概念,形成一種性別模糊或[5] 流動的狀態。事實上,一般人或多或少都可能會在某些特質上,不能完全符合社會或是傳統賦予的[6] 性別規範,只是我們從小就被教導或被禁止逾越這些界線,而將這些特性全都隱藏起來。













比較正式的寫法是[7] 「性別重置手術」或「性別重建手術」,英文為 Sex (Gender) Reassignment Surgery,一般簡寫為SRS。指的是一項以外科手術將性器官重建為另一個性別,使當事人在外觀及功能上盡量接近其期望(相反)的性別。在本港暫時只有公立醫院施行該項手術,進行手術前需獲得精神科醫生及心理科專家的評估報告確定適合接受手術,評估過程一般需要歷時最少2至4年,經由多個不同專科的醫生進行診斷及治療,以確保其心理、生理狀況均適宜及有必要進行變性手術。關於約見評估程序的詳細資料,請參閱本機構網站。


家長關心的問題 (Q&A)

1) 如果懷疑子女是跨性別或同性戀,該怎樣做?





2) 如果子女跟我說TA是跨性別或同性戀,該怎樣做?





3) 如何分辨TA到底是跨性別還是同性戀?



4) 這和我的教養或遺傳有關嗎?




5) TA是被別人教壞的嗎?是因為受過傷害或童年陰影所至嗎?



6) 為何TA對很多事情都過份敏感?很容易發脾氣?




7) 跨性別是精神病嗎?

自1966年起首個對變性欲者進行有系統研究及定義的醫生[8] Harry Benjamin,發表了名為“The Transsexual Phenomenon”(變性欲現像)一書,所有渴望改變性別,或欲通過外科手術改變性別的人士都被歸類為「性別認同障礙」的精神疾病。但事實上,接近半個世紀的研究與臨床診治,都沒辦法以任何精神或心理疾病的醫治方法,去改善TA們的痛苦狀況。只有以整形外科手術,矯正其身體結構,達至為當事人期望得到之狀況及更改性別,其焦慮及可能有的其他症狀便得以大幅度甚至完全改善。



8) 該怎樣與跨性別孩子溝通?



9) 應該要TA找學校社工,或其他社工幫忙嗎?




10) 以後該怎樣稱呼TA?



11) 在親戚朋友面前怎樣面對TA的轉變?




12) 該怎樣向親友中的小朋友解說?



13) TA好像沒有考慮我們的感受及難處



14) 溝通過之後關係變了,怎麼辦?



15) TA什麼意見都不願意聽




16) TA好像經常在變,是說謊嗎?



17) 不能接受自己的性別,就必需要做變性手術嗎?


事實上,有不少的跨性別者並不一定或並不需要以手術去改變身體的狀況。每個人的需要也不一樣,有些人不能接受自己的身體性徵,有些人[9] 只希望以另一個性別去生活,而有些人可能只是不希望在男女二分的性別定型下過活。


18) 男孩子喜歡女裝打扮,女孩子男仔頭,都是同性戀嗎?



19) 變性手術危險嗎?



20) 變性手術會帶來身體的傷害嗎?



21) 香港在那裡有變性手術做?要花很多錢嗎?




22) 如需接受變性手術,應從何開始?



23) 如果TA已結婚,甚至有小朋友,怎麼辦?




24) 可以跟TA斷絕子女關係嗎?



25) 我想TA暫時離開不和我們同住可以嗎?



26) TA將來的人生會怎樣?





27) TA會不會找不到工作?


而學校、個別僱主、公共服務,以至社會大眾的接納事實上更為重要,香港廿多年來有不同的人士及團體,以及平等機會委員會一直致力推動將性傾向及性別認同([10] SOGI)納入現行的「反歧視法」中,可惜社會上有部份極為保守的人士,一直以各種手段反對。要推動一個公平接納、沒有歧視的社會,家人的支持是極其重要的。


28) 跨別人士會不會很短命?



29) 如果TA本來是男生,穿女裝出外會有問題嗎?




30) TA應該去那一個洗手間?




31) 如果TA要去與原生性別相反的洗手間會犯法嗎?


關於進入更衣室的情況,香港法律之《公眾衞生及市政條例》(第132章)第7條標題 「成年人不得進入分配給異性使用的更衣室」,注明:超過8歲或身高超過1.35米的人不得進入保留給異性使用的更衣室或其他隔室內。所以無論意圖是怎樣,也屬違法。



32) 手術前出入境會有問題嗎?




如有其他國家[11] 護照,而該國家法例容許未進行變性手術人士更換證件上之性別,也可考慮先行申請更改,以方便出外旅遊或公幹。







































Joanne Leung 梁詠恩









Joanne於2012年被香港Baccarat時尚生活雜誌評選為「四十五位四十五歲以下令香港帶來改變的人士」,2014年獲HER Fund頒授首屆「她。敢於改變」奬獎項,同年於聯合國日內瓦CEDAW會議發言,反映香港跨性別及同性戀之歧視狀況,為首位華人以跨性別身份發言。

作者:Joanne Leung 梁詠恩

校對:Lucetta Kam, Eleanor Cheung, Day Wong





[1] 以下內容我們會以 ”TA” 這個詞語代替「他」或「她」,TA的讀音跟「他」或「她」一樣,但不帶有性別之分,讓我們能夠避免不斷重複使用「他」與「她」,也希望提醒大家,在語言文字的運用,也能夠尊重各人的性別表達及取態。

[2] 電子版本可於本機構網站下載 www.tgr.org.hk

[3] 此處只列出與本手冊有關的基本概念,其他資料請參閱本書系列第一冊《是非男女:本土跨性別閱讀手冊》。

[4] 美國著名性別學者朱迪斯·巴特勒(Judith butler)於1990年出版《性別麻煩》一書,被推崇為當代酷兒理論的經典文本。書中提出「性別操演」理論,及性別如何為人帶來種種麻煩等,對當今社會性別迷思提出了強烈批判。

[5] 性別流動指的是非生理上的一種狀態,會有可能隨著不同的環境、心情、需要等等而改變,改變可以是有意地或不自覺地,通道沒有明確的規律性,所以以流動來形容。

[6] 中國人的社會一般會認為男性應該陽剛,女性應該溫柔,又或者經常說男兒流血不流淚,這些都是性別規範。

[7] 更詳細的資料請參閱本書系列第一冊《是非男女:本土跨性別閱讀手冊》。

[8] Harry Benjamin 於1979年成立「班傑明國際性別焦慮協會 」(Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association), 一直在國際上主導及推廣對變性人士的醫療護理, 2007年更名為 「世界跨性別健康專業協會」(World Professional Association for Transgender Health, WPATH)

[9] 跨性別群體中有一大部份會全時間或部份時間穿著異性服裝,TA們會被界定為「易服人士」,通常指的是男跨女,因為女性穿著男裝不被視為易服。有人會用「易服癖」來形容TA們,但事實上絕大部份的易服人士之所以易服並非因為癖好,而是TA們於性別表達或性別認同上的需要。

[10] SOGI的全寫是Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity,也有在後面加上“E”字,即加上Expression以擴闊其保障範疇適用於性別表達方面。

[11] 英國國民(海外)護照亦即BNO,容許香港居民透過郵件提供申請表格及證明資料,將護照上的性別更改,並不需要完成性別重置手術。



本土跨性別閱讀手冊 – 香港版

Domestic Transgender Reading Manual – Hong Kong Version




原本申請政制及內地事務局 - 平等機會(性傾向)資助計劃時,只預備寫一份數頁紙的資料,向社會人士介紹關於跨性別族群的狀況,用以消除一些誤解。但後來只怪自己想的太多,一時間意隨氣發、筆隨心走,一寫就是萬多字的文章。原來以為可以有一組義工參與編寫工作,後來發現雖然網上相關資料不乏,但論及本地,適切地描寫本土的跨性別狀況的資料幾乎於無,那就只有閉門造車,以自身四十多年的血淚,與同行者的經驗,描摹成書,冀能出門合轍,裨益各方。


此書能夠完成,首先要感謝參與此項目的 Eleanor Cheung,提供部份詞解內容及校對,Lucetta Kam 及Garry Kan 幫忙校對及給予意見、Elaine Mui 幫忙排版。另外也不得不感謝在我尋覓自我身份認同這條路上,給了我很大啟發與支持的一些朋友,Connie Chan、Momo Li、Dr. Sam Winter、何春蕤老師、Eleanor Cheung、Rose Wu、Diana Kwok、Kenneth Cheung、Lucetta Kam、Day Wong、小曹、慧琛、柏琛,前老板彭宏陵先生、前上司Leslie Wong女士、宏馬國際的一眾舊同事、我媽媽及多不勝數的朋友,沒有您們的支持,我不會走到今天。最後亦是最重要的,是要感謝一直與我同行,看顧帶領我的主耶穌,願榮耀頌讚歸予我們的父上帝!

梁詠恩 Joanne Leung





There may be as many as 20 million trans people worldwide, with perhaps 11 to 12 million in Asia. Some are assigned male at birth but grow up identifying as female, others are assigned as female but grow up identifying as male. Still others grow up identifying as both male and female, or as neither, or indeed as a third gender. However they identify, their sense of their own identity challenges what we normally think of as male or female, or otherwise cause us to question our ideas of gender.

Throughout the world trans people find themselves living on a slope that leads from stigma and prejudice (rooted in ignorance and misinformation) towards social exclusion and life on the margins of society. Trans people fall victim to stigma and prejudice, experience discrimination, harassment, and abuse, and fall victim to violence. They get shunted out to the margins of society where, unable to get jobs or housing, and cut off from their families, they fall into poverty, get into risky situations and engage in risky patterns of behaviour. Their health and well-being, both emotional and physical, suffer. For too many the final point on the slope is sickness and/or death. And in all this governments seldom offer effective protection, and indeed sometimes aggravate the problem with laws and policies that are antagonistic towards trans people and make their situation worse. Health systems seldom provide trans people with the health care they need.

In many places worldwide trans people are mobilizing; going out into broader society to educate others about the trans experience. For several years Transgender Resource Center (TGR) has been doing this on behalf of the Hong Kong trans community. This excellent booklet is the latest in their efforts.

We all need to learn more about trans people. There are more of them among us then we tend to think, and it is high time we started to appreciate the diversity they bring to our human experience. I highly recommend this booklet to the HK public.

Sam Winter, Member of the Board of Directors, WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health)



Mandy當年十六歲, 樣子清秀可愛, 出生時是男孩, 自小便覺自己是女生,要求我用”她”來形容其性別。Mandy和男生一起感到格格不入, 反而跟女生很投緣。男同學排擠她,大叫:”女人型”, “不正常”, 老師也不阻止, 只叫她多做運動, 增强 “男子氣概”。她一向是成績中上的乖巧小孩, , 不明白為什麼會因為她喜歡做女孩子而受到如此不平待遇。情竇初開的Mandy對愛情充滿期待。平日多作男性打扮的她有一次打扮亮麗和一位男性朋友到處遊玩,男性朋友把她當作”小公主”, 對她百般呵護。Mandy覺得被那位男性朋友視為女性感到十分享受,可以隨心所欲做回自己。她說: “做女孩子真好!”

認識Mandy令我重新學習甚麽是性別, 也讓我體會到社會狹窄的性別定型如何令Mandy在成長階段嚐盡被排擠和歧視的苦頭。 社會上大部人常以性別兩分化(非男即女)的角度去理解我們的性別, 認為性別只有男和女兩種, 而男孩應有男子氣, 女孩應是女性化, 如果有些男孩是女性化而女孩有男子氣的話, 這些朋友們便被視為不自然, 或不正常, 遭受社會人士, 例如宗教人士, 老師, 社工, 甚至家人的誤解, 在日常生活中長年面對種種壓力和不公對待。Mandy做回自己的盼望是那麽真實, 她的成長經歷又有多少同伴和老師明白?

從Mandy的故事中, 我認識到性別不一定只有男女兩種, 也不一定是固定不變的。 有些人的性別像水一樣流動, 不止是男及女, 可以是 “又男又女”或同時具備男性化和女性化, 或多元性別的特質。跨性別人士便具此種性別特色。跨性別是一個多元的概念: 1) 它是指那些挑戰或超越性與性別界限的人士; 2) 它也可以是指一群天生性別與後天性別認同不一樣的朋友; 3) 以及那些透過手術或其他方法將其性別重新設定的朋友。跨性別朋友可以是任何一種性傾向,包括異性戀, 同性戀, 雙性戀等。跨性別現象亦非單一現象, 它在各個文化中展現, 在亚洲, 美洲, 歐洲, 非洲等世界各地均有跨性別群體。 多元性別是活生生存在的, 不容否定。在香港, 有許多人的性別是流動多元的, 卻苦於社會的偏見, 年年月月, 日覆一日默默承受不公平的對待, 不必要的壓抑。

西方英語世界有關跨性別的研究和書籍近年越來越豐富, 但在香港有關跨性別的中文出版文章不多, 跨性別朋友及其家人都缺乏中文資訊, 跨性別資源中心是推動香港華人跨性別權益的先鋒組織, 很高興看到中心的跨性別朋友出版此本小冊子, 以教育為目的出發,為社會人士及跨性別社群提供資訊及資源,加深認識跨性別議題,消除誤解, 推動跨性別社群的平等權利。






  • 跨性別資源中心簡介
  • 什麼是跨性別
  • 引言
  • 跨性別 = 變性?
  • 易服 = 病態?
  • 跨性別 與 同性戀 之關系
  • 跨性別人口比例
  • 可見度
  • 為什麼男變女的變性人比較多?
  • 香港跨性別族群歷史及現況
  • 生活上的困難
  • 歧視情況
  • 法律保障
  • 變性
  • 變性是精神病?
  • 發現自我的階段
  • 評估過程
  • 荷爾蒙治療
  • 真實生活體驗
  • 手術概念
  • 手術是唯一出路?
  • 手術後的身份轉換
  • 手術後生活狀況
  • 易服
  • 解說
  • 只有易服男?
  • 跟性行為有關?
  • 沒有變性傾向或需要?
  • 自我認同
  • 出路
  • 名詞與概念
  • 結語
  • 熱線服務



跨性別資源中心(Transgender Resource Center)簡稱TGR,成立於2008年7月1日,致力於推動香港跨性別運動,以教育為基礎出發,為社會人士及跨性別社群提供資訊及資源,幫助社會加深認識跨性別議題,及讓跨性別人士得到應有之協助及權益。






社會上存在著各式各樣的人,彼此的不同,形成了一個色彩繽紛的世界。人類生活的土地本來就是一個多元的國度,萬物有序而各從其類,各依其本相而存活繁衍,生生不息。宇宙被創造美妙之處,從來就不是單一的,不像人類發明電腦時所建基的二元世界,只有1和0(True or False),卻是一個無始無終,無窮盡的世界,萬物到了盡頭,又回歸於始。在穹蒼之下,一切都是帶著多元、流動、變化、和活潑的色彩。光和暗之間有美妙的層次、日與夜之間是最美好的時光、黑與白之間充滿晶瑩斑斕、對和錯之間原來是寬恕與包容。






跨性別 = 變性?




易服 = 病態?






跨性別 與 同性戀 之關係




















  • 就本地觀察而言,香港的女變男變性人士比較偏向獨立、多以小型聚會交往。而男變女的則較喜歡群體聚誼,生活圈子比較闊,喜愛傾訴心事,知道其身份的人也比較多。
  • 女變男的用了賀爾蒙藥之後會變得相當男性化,就連聲線也會轉變,很容易隱藏變性的身份。相反男變女用藥後的變化較不明顯。
  • 女變男的在變性前的期的生活及衣著改變一般不易察覺,比較容易處理。相反,男變女的,在前期都可能經歷過易服的階段,生活上有很多需要處理的問題,需要大量在群體中交流及搜集資料,形成了關系較強及闊的群帶關係,造就了她們族群的發展。
  • 男變女過渡其間的轉變程度明顯,引起的反應和印象會較大和較深刻。



過往的跨性別族群,其實根本說不上是一個族群,因為各自都只能在其生命中痛苦掙扎,每天過著雙面人的生活,根本沒有膽量去尋找或接觸其他同道中人。機緣巧合,2002年幾位跨性別人士組成了香港首個跨性別網上論壇(cdfamily),由不見天日的年代,一下子遇上了碩量無窮的族員,風頭一時無兩,期間亦分別出現了cdgal、cdparadise及 TSense三個論壇,頭兩者都是針對易服人士,而最後的TSense主要對像是變性人士。

但始終由虛擬世界走到現實處境,都不是一件容易事。當時有幾位於香港接受變性手術的人士,由醫生穿針引線下,組成了聯繫小組,後期人數一度高達廿多位,當中包括外籍人士及非跨性別人士的學者,其後於2004年註冊成為社團,定名為「跨性別平等與接納行動」Transgender Equality & Acceptance Movement,簡稱TEAM,但近年組織較少舉辦活動。



















現時本港沒有法例保障跨性別人士,性別歧視條例中亦不包括此等情況,只有被判別為「性別認同障礙」的變性人士,因為被列於美國「精神疾病診斷與統計手冊」(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder,簡稱DSM或稱為 精神病學名冊)之中,才能引用殘疾歧視條例加以保障,但此名冊亦同時帶有另一層的歧視意味,所以一般都不喜歡引用此法例去處理事件。





由於西方一向依據2001年發表的「性別認同障礙護理指引」第六版本 (Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association’s Standards of Care For Gender Identity Disorders, SOC) 及「精神疾病診斷與統計手冊」第四版 (DSM IV) 作藍本,到目前為止仍將性別認同障礙例為精神病的一種,所以香港處理此項目的仍然屬精神科部門專責,但有很多這方面的專家都不認同此種分類。

近年經業者努力推動下,世界跨性別健康專業協會 (World Professional Association for Transgender Health, WPATH) 已於2011年尾發表了第七版本的 SOC,新版本以跨性別主體為本,作出了大量修改及補充,將從前對跨性別人士的誤解逐步釐清。






















現今的變性手術過程要比一般人所理解的繁複,當中涉及性器官的重建,正確應稱為性別重建(整)手術 SRS (Sex Reassignment Surgery),或性器官重建手術 (Genital Reconstruction Surgery)。

手術中最重要及複雜的是性器官的重建,當中涉及外觀上及功能上的處理 ,以當事人的自身器官及神經組織為材料,建造成有感覺、像真度高的身體部位。















































1. 生理性別(Sex)與社會性別(Gender)

由二十世紀中開始,學者把性別的概念劃分為生理性別(sex)和社會性別(gender),但在一般人心目中兩者是同一個意思,兩者必需相配。前者以生理角度把人分為男、女、雙性人(或中性人)等不同的性別。後者則建構於文化、社教化(socialization)和自我的性別身份認同(gender identity)。大部人的生理性別和社會性別是一致的,但有些人則有不同程度的不一致。例如,有些人出生的生理性別是男,但其社會性別可以是女,如我國古代的「花木蘭代父從軍」是為一例。


2. 性傾向(Sexual Orientation)



3. 性別認同(Gender Identity)

根據Lev(2004, p. 397)的解釋,性別認同意指一個人在不考慮身體生理性別的前提下,對自身性別所產生的界定。


4. 跨性別 (Transgender/TG)

根據 Lev(2004, P. 399)的解釋,跨性別是一個總稱,當中包含許多不同類別的人。他們共同之處是自己在性別認同(gender identity)上或表達自己性別(gender expression)的方式──或多或少地──與出生時的生理性別或社會期望的性別角色(gender role)有異。跨性別一詞所包含的族群包括:變性人、易服人士、扮裝皇后/皇帝、性別酷兒等等。



5. 雙性人 (Intersex)




6. 變性 (Transsexual/TS)

變性一詞多被醫學界及大眾採用。根據 Lev(2004, P. 400)的解釋,變性人認為自己的身體不能反映他們真實的性別。雖然大部份變性人都希望能做性別重建手術,但變性人一詞可以應用在已經做了手術(post-op),等待做手術(pre-op),或不做手術(non-op)的人士。op指的是Operation手術的意思。


7. Post-op / Pre-op / Non-op TS



8. 性別認同障礙 (GID)

全寫是Gender Identity Disorder或Gender Identity Dysphoria,帶有濃厚精神病學色彩,日本稱為「性同一障礙」。近年學術界比較偏向使用Gender Identity Non-conformity或Gender Identity Diversity以減輕其負面意味,中文可譯作「性別認同模糊」、「性別認同不一致」及「性別認同多元」。



9. 性別重建手術 (SRS)

在香港普遍稱為變性手術,Sex Reassignment Surgery 是通過外科整形手術,將一個人的性別重建為另一個性別。由於需求不斷增加,現時在很多國家都有此項服務,而香港的變性人普遍選擇在本港、台灣或泰國進行此項手術,在泰國做手術除了方便、價錢比其它國家經濟外,其技術也備受推崇。


10. 賀爾蒙治療 (HRT)

Hormone Replacement Therapy 是以口服、注射、或皮膚吸收等方法去調整一個人身體內的賀爾蒙指標,除了性別重建手術前後期為變性人士施行外,也會應用到其他賀爾蒙失調的病人。


11. 真實生活體驗 (RLE)

Real Life Experience,以前亦稱為 Real Life Test (RLT),但由於近年的方向是希望欲變性的人士,能夠體驗將來新的生活,而不是去測試當事人合符資格與否,一般都將名稱更正為RLE。此程序要求當事人,嘗試全天候式以另一個性別身份生活,而因各人條件的不同,可能會以循序漸進及部份時間方式進行。


12. 過渡期 (Transition)



13. Pass / Passable



14. FtM

指「女變男」或「女跨男」Female to Male,認同自己為男性,而未必需要是完成了手術的變性人士。


15. MtF

指「男變女」或「男跨女」 Male to Female,認同自己為女性,而未必需要是完成了手術的變性人士。


16. 易服 (CD)



17. 偽娘

從日本傳至中國及香港的一個詞語,本屬ACG (Animations, Comics and Games) 動漫界的日本漢語名詞,指打扮成女生的男性,比真女性更女性可愛女生,有萌(意思類似「可愛」,但在不同時候,用法和定義也不一樣,在此不作詳述)的屬性在當中。至於與易服一詞間之分野定義,仍有待群體中的消化與發展。


18. 扮異性症 (TV)




19. 癖



20. 扮裝皇后/皇帝 (Drag Queen / King)



21. 同志群體

同志一詞在早於1989年的「香港同志電影節」裡,被引用為同性戀的別稱,漸漸被同志界受落及廣泛應用於中港台間。後因運動的焦點逐漸從性傾向轉移到性別議題上,開始納入其他的性小眾群體,主要包括男女同性戀、雙性戀及跨性別人士,而在國際上等同這四大族群的縮寫LGBT,分別代表Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender及其延伸。


22. 酷兒 (Queer)



23. 性別酷兒 (Gender Queer)



24. 精神疾病診斷與統計手冊

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders簡稱DSM,是由美國精神醫學學會出版的一本指導手冊,在美國及其他國家最常被使用來診斷精神疾病,目前最新版本是2000年的第四版修訂版,預計第五版會到2013年才會發表。



25. Harry Benjamin

班傑明可以算是首個對變性欲者進行有系統研究及定義的醫生,從1948年開始接觸第一個案例,至1966年發表「The Transsexual Phenomenon」變性欲現象一書,都主張通過變性手術,以減輕因性別焦慮而受痛苦的病人。1977年成立「Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association」班傑明國際性別焦慮協會,主導及推廣對變性人士的醫療護理。


26. 性別認同障礙護理指引 (Standards of Care For Gender Identity Disorders)


及至2011年尾,由世界跨性別健康專業協會 (WPATH) 經眾多專家及研究人員努力底下,第七版本終於作出了重大及眾多的改變,由第六版的23頁增加至現時的120頁詳盡的指引,亦將名字更改為「變性、跨性別及性別不一致人士健康護理指引」Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People,充份反映該指引之適切性及去除病理意味。







- 參考書籍(References):

Lev, A. I. (2004). Transgender emergence: therapeutic guidelines for working with gender-variant people and their families. New York: The Haworth Clinical Practice Press.


- 參考網頁 (Reference Websites)

American Psychological Association(美國心理學會)









作者:Joanne Leung

資料搜集:Eleanor Cheung

校對:Garry Kan、Lucetta Kam







 A Handbook for Trans Ally





感謝一直以來支持跨性別資源中心的基金會、企業及個人,特別是一直以來支持此手冊出版的政制及內地事務局及其同事、Astraea正義女神基金會、Goldman Sachs、ANZ、Fresh Field及Mr. Peter Siembab。感謝社會上很多很有心無論認不認識我但一直支持我工作的人士,我身邊無數的朋友,我的家人和親戚!我的中學同學及我的親戚實在太可愛!您們的不離不棄讓我能夠支撐到今天!我在同志運動的戰友們也真的在有聲無聲中推了我一把,沒有大家,我沒可能走到今天!感謝Mandy Lee經常照顧我的肚子及聽我哭訴!感謝我的隊友Jamie及新加入的老朋友Charissa願意陪我傻和陪我夢想!也感謝民主黨內很多黨友的鼓勵及支持,容讓我成為一個政治素人,容讓我夢想以政治改變社會,讓更多人活得更好!多謝卿姐邀請我加入民主黨,縱然路不好走,但我絕不後悔!


梁詠恩 Joanne Leung



P.S. 今天收到一位跨性別朋友離世的通知,願以此書記念過往身邊分別離開我們的幾位友人,亦希望此手冊,能夠讓更多的跨性別朋友,在以後的日子裡活得更好!誠心所願!





跨性別(Transgender)是近代才發展出來的概念,隨著越來越多跨性別個體的現身及主流媒體的報導,大眾已比較認識及接受這個身份。2016年2月上映的電影「丹麥女孩」轟動世界,獲多項奧斯卡提名,艾莉西亞維坎德(Alicia Vikander)更憑該劇獲頒最佳女配角獎項。事實上,遠古社會對性別及性愛的理解並不如現在一樣。但我們只能夠從零碎的歷史痕跡中想像人類過往對世界事物的理解。今天,跨性別者就像是重生一樣,經歷了對性別身份的否定及掙扎,勇敢地活出一個真實的自己。社會又能否透過TA們的故事,尋回一個失落已久,人類對性別理解的原始藍圖。







感謝您願意成為跨性別的盟友(Trans Ally),作為支持者不是要完全理解、明白或認同什麼是跨性別,最重要的是接納與包容與你不一樣的人,認同每一個個體都是獨特的、尊貴的,在社會上有與生俱來的權利與義務,不應因為不同的性傾向或性別認同而受到不平等的對待或歧視!



跨性別(Transgender)英文簡寫為TG,基本的定義是任何人不接納或不認同自己的原生性別(出生時的性別),或不認同社會賦予TA的性別規範,均是跨性別人士。TA的狀況可以呈現或表達於其對自身性別的心理認同、對身體的期望、社會性別身份、家庭角色、性行為模式、性別氣質表達及衣著等等。但不是每一個符合以上定義的人也認同自己是跨性別人士,我們需尊重個人的身份認同, 不可隨意將標籤加諸別人身上。一般估計人口中每300-500人就有一位跨性別人士。

Transgender這個英文字是美國的維吉妮亞·普林斯(Virginia Prince)在1970年代創造的,與Transsexual(變性者)這個名詞作對照,指出那些並不希望進行手術「改變生理性別(Sex)」及/或那些認為他們是處於兩個社會性別(Gender)中間的人。隨著社會對跨性別群體的理解及群體的演化,跨性別這個名詞更進一步發展成社會上對性別理解的一個運動方向。







「同志」一詞於80年代在香港出現,原意指同性戀者,及後發展成為一個對 LGBT 以至 I 身份的總稱,也普遍於中國大陸、台灣、新加坡、馬來西亞等華人社會中被使用。早於西方及華人社會仍未普遍認識跨性別這個身份的年代,一般生理男性喜歡男性都被視為男同性戀者。就算是後期跨性別這個身份比較被認知後,部份喜歡男性的跨性別者仍然活躍於男同志圈內,或對外以男同性戀者的身份生活,因這樣比較容易找對象及發展關系。直到近年(西方世界要比香港發展早至少二十年)跨性別群體越來越成熟,人們及群體內對其身份的認同比較明顯,跨性別這個身份才變得比較清晰及突出。



出櫃 (Come Out)

出櫃(Come Out)的意思,在同志群體當中指向某些人公開自己的性/別身份。出櫃對同志來說很多時都是一個不得已的行動,是擔心及冒險的。


  1. 向朋友出櫃:作為同志,所遇到的壓力不小,同志身邊亦未必有同志朋友支援。當同志還在性/別疑惑及仍在探索時,未進入群體當中、未找到相關的服務機構支援時,TA很需要朋友聆聽TA的想法,TA通常會找較為可信的,或者與TA沒有太大關連的朋友傾訴心事。
  2. 向家人出櫃:有小部份同志因其性/別身份,可能會跟家人關係較為疏離甚至不和。但家人始終是家人,亦有很多同志跟家人關係都如一般人親密,隱瞞其性/別身份對於TA們來說會很難受,最終希望家人能夠知道及接納。家人的接納對同志有極大的影響,能夠讓其積極面對人生的起跌及感受。傳統家庭也會對子女的婚姻關係有期望,經常是當事人的壓力來源。所以同志很多時候都希望能夠跟家人出櫃。(關於家人關係,請參閱「是非男女」第二冊之「跨性別家長手冊」)
  3. 向同事或公司出櫃:同志如能夠正面對待及肯定其性/別身份,並相信公司及同事抱持接納的態度,才會勇於向同事出櫃。相反,在沒有一個安全的空間,一般同志都不太願意冒險,賠上自己的事業及晉升機會。
  4. 向教會出櫃:很多同志其實都隱藏在教會中。同志也有如一般人一樣有不同的宗教信仰。有的是因父母關系,從小在教會環境裡長大,有些因不同原因進入教會群體。無論怎樣,除非教會在同志議題上沒有歧視,否則同志信徒很可能因教會的教義而選擇離開或跟教會出櫃。不幸的是,有些教會會因此而強迫其改變,又或者要求TA不可告訴其他教會內的信徒,而讓TA們一心追隨信仰的熱誠受到傷害。
  5. 向公眾出櫃:向公眾出櫃或稱全公開指不介意任何人知道其性/別身份,而並非指在公眾途徑如媒體上公開自己的身份。通常願意公開出櫃的同志,都非常接納自己的身份,亦有能力及準備面對一切的攻擊和挑戰,有非常正能量的思想。公開出櫃也是一種很有力的倡議及運動工具,但一般當事人需要對社群有很深的理解,豐富的論述基礎及面對公眾時的演說能力及感染力。若說話含糊,邏輯及思路不清,很容易變成為群體內外的攻擊對象。
  6. 被出櫃:意思是在當事人未有準備下,由其他人公開了TA的身份。



* 由於資料不全,以下時間軸只顯示我們暫時能夠搜集到的內容

  1. 1985年香港進行首宗變性手術。
  2. 1986年瑪麗醫院成立性別認同小組,由吳敏倫帶領向全港欲接受性別重建手術的人士提供一站式評估服務。成員包括臨床心理學家、精神科醫生、內分泌科醫生、婦科醫生、泌尿科醫生、心理衛生社會工作者、遺傳學醫生、矯形外科醫生及律師等。
  3. 1988年袁維昌醫生開始在香港提供性別重置手術。
  4. 1998年博益出版由葉家明及李佩恩著作的《變性邊緣人》。
  5. 2000年寬頻上網逐漸普及,易裝者(crossdresser)群體開始在網上聚集起來。
  6. 2000年前後有幾位於香港接受變性手術的人士,由醫生穿針引線下,組成了聯絡小組(TEAM的前身)。
  7. 2002年首個具規模的易裝者論壇 「hkcdfamily」出現。
  8. 2003年6月電台節目主持人洪朝豐推出新書《繾綣男女》,當中訪問了十位分別有變性慾、已經變性及喜歡穿女性服飾的變裝男性。
  9. 2003年群體內開始使用Transgender「跨性別」這個名詞,當時有部份變性欲者會以跨性別來與易裝者區分。
  10. 2003年跨性別群體及學者成功向入境處爭取刪除身份證明文件上更改性別的記號。
  11. 2004年變性人的聯繫小組,註冊成為非牟利團體「跨性別平等與接納行動」 Transgender Equality and Acceptance Movement (TEAM)。
  12. 2004年在群體開始討論就變性人婚權向政府提出司法覆核,但一直未能覓得訴訟人。
  13. 2005年隨著吳敏倫醫生退休,當時唯一提供性別重建手術評估的瑪麗醫院性診所宣布結束服務。
  14. 2008年「跨性別資源中心」Transgender Resource Center (TGR) 成立。
  15. 2008年W小姐就變性人婚姻權入稟法院,向政府提出司法覆核。
  16. 2009年W小姐案件開審,藉著社會的廣泛討論,「跨性別資源中心」主席Joanne開始在媒體上大量曝光,以第一身講述跨性別女同志基督徒的故事。跨性別資源中心亦開始發展不同的群體服務、公眾教育及倡議性工作。
  17. 2010年W案件初審敗訴。
  18. 2011年W案件上訴敗訴。
  19. 2011年 跨性別資源中心出版「是非男女:本土跨性別閱讀手冊」。
  20. 2012年4月入境處收緊變性人更改身份證性別的要求,申請人必須已完成強制絕育及重建生殖器。
  21. 2013年5月W小姐案件於終審法院勝訴,法院於7月頒令,給予政府一年時限修改法例讓變性人享有更改性別後的婚姻權利,及促請政府制定全面的「性別承認法」,並以英國相關法律為參考藍本。
  22. 2013年6月政府成立「消除歧視性小眾諮詢小組」,當中成員包括Joanne、小曹、陳志全議員等各同志代表。
  23. 2013年「爭取性傾向歧視條例陣線」及「香港性少眾聯盟」 Hong Kong Queer Alliance (HKQA) 成立,針對歧視法加入性傾向及性別認同保障,跨性別資源中心為HKQA聯盟其中一員。
  24. 2013年跨性別資源中心、其他同志團體及關注的法律人權組織紛紛舉辦不同的研究會及進行遊說及倡議工作,準備面對政府提出的法例修訂。跨性別資源中心與同志團體取得共識,共同爭取變性人獲取新法律身份時免除手術的要求,及認同變性人婚姻為異性戀婚姻,並不是同志婚姻的踏板。
  25. 2014年1月平等機會委員會展開「有關立法禁止性傾向、性別認同及雙性人身份歧視的可行性研究」。
  26. 2014年2月政府向立法會提交婚姻修訂草案,並成立政府內部高層的「跨部門工作小組」,研究「性別承認法」的可行性。但政府提出的修訂草案只作低度諮詢,香港唯一提供變性手術的袁維昌醫生是專家意見的唯一提供者。草案內容粗疏,以致支持及反對變性人權利的人士及團體均強烈反對,引起香港社會對跨性別群體的的第二次廣泛討論及輿論報導。
  27. 2014年2月跨性別資源中心、粉紅同盟及大愛同盟組成策略陣線,於立法會婚姻修訂草案公聽會上表達意見,同場亦有不少反同人士、同志團體及其他三位跨性別人士發言。可惜當時其他跨性別人士提出之意見偏向支持變性手術是必要條件。及後歌手何韻詩與Joanne成為媒體報導焦點。當時最早在香港提供性別重建手術評估的吳敏倫醫生及施行手術的袁維昌醫生,就婚姻修訂亦在立法會內激辦,前者反對性別轉換必須施行手術的條件,後者堅持須要性器官重建及違反聯合國及國際組織一直倡議禁止的強制絕育手術。
  28. 2014年3月TGR及TEAM獲「世界跨性別健康專業協會」發信支持,向政府表明對跨性別人士權益的立場。
  29. 2014年3月政制及內地事務局委託政策二十一有限公司(顧問)進行一項「探討性小眾在香港有否遭受歧視」的研究。
  30. 2014年3月及10月Joanne及粉紅同盟成員到日內瓦聯合國向CEDAW委員以口頭陳述香港跨性別被壓迫的狀況。
  31. 2014年期間,跨性別資源中心與粉紅同盟聯合開始對游離派議員的遊說工作,及會見了提出婚姻修訂草案的保安局高層官員,希望能令政府不向建制派議員施壓通過草案。
  32. 2014年7月,由於政府未能在終審庭給予的一年限期內通過修訂草案,遂發公告確認所有與W小姐有相同情況的變性人,即已完成政府規定整套變性手術,無論是男變女或女變男,均可根據更改後的性別與異性在香港註冊結婚。
  33. 2014年10月立法會對婚姻修訂草案進行二讀,因大多數議員反對而未獲通過。
  34. 2015年 W小姐代表律師正準備為未做變性手術的女跨男Q先生進行司法覆核。
  35. 2015年 跨性別資源中心出版「是非男女:跨性別家長手冊」。
  36. 2015年12月31日政制及內地事務局發表了歷時2年多的工作報告,提出多項保障性少眾免受歧視的建議,唯未有對立法諮詢訂出確實時間表。
  37. 2016年1月26日平等機會委員會公布「立法禁止性傾向、性別認同及雙性人身份歧視的研究」的結果。







  • 耐心聆聽TA的故事,持開放態度準備挑戰自己的性別認知及虛心學習。 
  • 主動問當事人希望怎樣被稱呼。 
  • 說一些鼓勵的說話,如:「無論你是什麼性別,都是我的好朋友」、「公司要求的是一個人的工作能力,而非TA是什麼性別」… 
  • 與當事人溝通中,對社會上已公開同志身份的公眾人士多作正面評價。 
  • 將同志友善的刊物、標誌等放在當眼地方表示對性/別友善。
  • 友善地向身邊朋友宣揚反歧視訊息,多了解人權意識及同志平權的意義。改變是來自愛和分享,不需要強迫與責難。



  • 不應判斷或討論別人的性/別身份,到底是不是同志。 
  • 若某人告訴你TA的性/別身份,請尊重TA對自己的理解,切勿批評或予以否定。 
  • 若你知道某人的性/別身份,除非得到當事人的允許,否則請不要隨便告訴他人,乃至是其家人。 
  • 若TA對自己性/別身份感覺模糊,切勿要求或幫助TA作選擇,性/別身份可以是流動的,對某些人來說是有可能隨時間、環境或情緒等條件而變動。性/別身份也可以是不肯定或不被定義。 
  • 不應經常或過份強調性別的二分及一般對性別的刻版印象,如「男人就要堅強」、「女人要似返個女人」等。 
  • 縱然想表達接納或友善態度,應盡量避免經常提及當事人的性/別身份,除非TA主動提及,應如看待一般人般看待TA。 
  • 如未清楚對方情況,應避免隨便對別人以性/別話題開玩笑,及留意別人反應,對性/別有適當的敏感度。 
  • 縱然社會一般認為加上如「先生」、「小姐」等稱謂是一種禮貌,但對待同志,應先了解當事人是否喜歡。 
  • 不要假設在戀愛或婚姻關係中的另一半一定是異性,對話如:「你女朋友做什麼工作」也可能會令場面尷尬。可多嘗試用「伴侶」、「Partner」、「另一半」來取代。 
  • 不應以為對方是同性,就可以有任何肢體接觸。相反地,不應以為對方認同的性別與你一樣,就可以沒有顧忌。 
  • 不應隨便問當事人以前的名字、或要求看以前的照片,除非你知道對方不會介意。有部份跨性別者對自己過去的性/別身份對非常介意,甚或厭惡,不小心提及可能會對TA造成傷害。 
  • 不應隨便詢問當事人的性別或性器官狀況,更不應評頭品足。 
  • 跨性別者對自身的打造與性別表達的理解因人而異,於性別之探索及轉變歷程亦不盡相同,不應預設認為跨性別者就應達到怎麼樣的一個標準,或應看起來要像另一個性別,也不應強迫其改變設合社會標準。




跨粉確確實實存在著我們身邊,只因為過往跨性別群體處於比較隱藏的狀態,想愛及追尋TA們變成了不可能的任務。看不到跨性別人士的存在,也讓跨粉潛藏的愛慾沒法被揭示出來。其實,在西方社會裡有類似的身份定義,如Trans Admirer、Trans Chaser、Tranny Chaser及Trans Fan等。但這一類定義都非常狹隘,指的是認同為異性戀的男性,沉迷戀慕稱為Shemale或Ladyboy的跨性別者,亦即仍保持陽具功能性,但外貌包括胸脯都非常女性化的跨性別人士,香港一般稱之為人妖。到現時為止還未有比較正面的中文翻譯,但近年於中港台地區,有較為活躍的這類性工作者,會正面地自稱為人妖。一般於跨性別社群內,較不喜歡將這類身份定義為同類,因其不希望別人會將色情、性工作、及帶有陽具等的標籤跟自己的身份拉上關系。







  • 除非在緊急或危險狀況下,並不需要惡言相向,也不必跟歧視者理論。如有需要,可喝令對方停止,再報警求助。但要小心當事人會否介意警方介入,甚至有否媒體到場,令當事人的身份曝光。
  • 一般情況下,可走到雙方中間,然後以肯定及友善的態度告訴歧視者不應這樣做及立刻停止其行為。
  • 因當事人的身份,通常都不希望將事情鬧大,所以我們務求讓歧視者盡快離去,然後才慰問當事人,及看看有沒有其他需要。
  • 如歧視者與當事人是認識或有工作等的關係,應多給予關懷及支持,有需要可轉介至本中心或其他機構跟進協助。
  • 如是在公共場合遇上陌生的當事人,我們並不建議您與TA交換通訊資料,除非您是社工或輔導人員,或者您對當事人有一定的了解及信任。
  • 行事時要顧及自己和TA人的人身安全,先觀察當時環境有沒有其他途人能夠協助,歧視者的態度、人數、情緒、力量等的客觀條件,評估過後才作出適當行動。
  • 如遇歧視者比較凶惡,可裝作附近途人是認識的,或詢問其他人歧視者的行為對不對,或叫旁邊的人代為報警。
  • 行事前可先開手機錄影模式,記錄現場情況以備不時之需。如忘記先開錄影,也可裝說已經錄影,以作阻嚇之用。如有一人以上,應邀朋友錄影,然後自己上前處理,錄影者可離遠一點點,但也要讓歧視者知道有人作記錄,令對方知難而退。



  • 「請問發生左咩事呢?」
  • 「我唔知道你地係咪識既,不過我覺得你以佢既XXX黎當眾侮辱佢係唔啱既!呢D係佢既個人取向,並唔影響你架!」
  • 「我係異性戀既,不過我並唔認同你既做法,請你即刻停止!」
  • 「我唔識佢,但係請您唔好再侮辱佢,每個人都有尊嚴既,佢既取向唔應該比您欺侮!」
  • 「唔該即刻停止,如果唔係我會報警!」



  • 「洗唔洗幫您報警呀?」
  • 「唔需要理佢,我地走…」
  • 「發生咩事呀?班朋友等緊您呀!我地走啦!」



  • 「您見佢咁梗係女/男啦!重要問?」
  • 「買野啫,男同女都係咁買架啦!快D做生意啦!」
  • 「有錢比您賺都要問咁多野?」
  • 「佢要果件我都想試喎,可唔可以攞埋比我呀?」
  • 「(對當事人講)小姐/先生(以TA的性別表達為準)您著得幾好睇喎!(對服務者講)您話係唔係呀?」

















  • 同學之間
  • 老師對學生
  • 學生對老師
  • 家長對老師
  • 學校社工對學生
  • 學校信仰對學生/老師
  • 學校規則對學生/老師



同學和老師都應該正面教育同學關於歧視(Discrimination)、尊重(Respect)、性傾向(Sexual Orientation)、性別認同(Gender Identity)與及性別表達(Gender Expression)的原則,以下會以DRSOGIE簡稱這幾個概念。學校裡的老師及同學,作為跨性別同盟的角色更為重要。當同學看到別的同學作出欺凌行為,可以當面友善地指出這類行為並非強者或大丈夫所為,邀請其他同學與其成為好朋友,讓TA得到保護。也可告訴適合的老師或社工處理。有些時候老師會擔心學校的取態及同學的感受而盡量不提SOGIE。其實愈不提,同學就愈不可能理解不可以歧視或以這個話題開玩笑的原因。所以我們應該小心指出性別氣質與性傾向及性別認同並不完全對等,同學亦需尊重每個人的生活方式及傾向,盡量避免直接指出同學是什麼身份,也要讓校方明白這並非鼓吹跨性別或同性戀,而是教育同學反歧視與欺凌行為。若個別學校社工有歧視或不接納情況,應提醒TA應遵守社工的專業操守,若不合適應將同學轉介至適當的社工跟進。









  • 在整本新舊約聖經裡,從來沒有直接評論跨性別及同性戀是罪,或指出這不是神所喜悅的。因為當時社會文化上根本沒有這個概念,聖經所指的是某些異教儀式中的男男性行為。在這裡我們先作這樣的理解,因為聖經的詮釋牽涉翻譯、釋經、神學及當今處境等的複雜問題,我們暫且不在此處理。
  • 若細心閱讀一些廣為人知反對同性戀的聖經故事,不難發現經文有很大程度的翻譯及釋經空間,會出現完全不一樣的理解,與教會一般的說法可能有所出入。
  • 只有很少聖經經文有涉及跨性別的狀況,大概只有這句比較有關連:「婦女不可穿戴男子所穿戴的、男子也不可穿婦女的衣服、因為這樣行都是耶和華你神所憎惡的。」
  • 在不同的遠古文化中,都有記載同性性行為的文獻或圖像等的資料,也沒有牽涉什麼與罪或違反道德倫理等的證據。
  • 若說跨性別及同性戀是罪的一種,其實人類幾乎每天都會犯上大大小小不同的罪,這也是聖經所說「世人都犯了罪,虧缺了神的榮耀」的意思。教會需要考慮是否將同志議題過份放大了?
  • 現任天主教教宗方濟各曾多次提及同性戀問題,他曾說:「擁有同性戀傾向並不是問題,同性戀者不應該邊緣化」,還強調:「如果有人是同性戀,他信仰上帝且心地良善,我怎麼能論斷他呢?」。雖然天主教仍然似乎在教義上反對同性戀,但教宗方濟各堅持教會是應該接納TA們的。
  • 由於基督教沒有如天主教般的從上而下的教義,我們很難說基督教就是反同的。而且近年較多教會改變了立場,說TA們反對同性性行為,但接納同性戀者,因為這也許是與生俱來的。但這說法非常牽強,如是天生(上帝所賜予的),那怎會禁止呢?也有人說那是罪的後果,但如約翰福音9章所記載的,耶穌也當面否定了門徒對罪的後果的理解。
  • 實際上,現在西方教會已有比較多的神職人員認為跨性別及同性戀並不是罪,在香港也越來越多有如此的理解。但教會的組成及意見不一,很多時教會都很難作出一個明確立場支持同志,也擔心公開支持會帶來很大的爭議與攻擊。




  • 未經當事人同意,不應向其他人透露其同志身份,特別是在公開禱告中。教牧同工也需特別注意,避免在公開場合當眾說教會有同志存在,除非TA本人要求或不介意。
  • 在講道時盡量避免強烈責備跨性別或同性戀。
  • 避免強迫當事人改變其性傾向或性別認同,或經常提醒上帝能夠改變其這方面的傾向。我們相信,若一個人愛主,主會預備最好的路給TA。改變與否是上帝的工作,我們的工作只應該是牧養及與TA同行,而不是強加己見。
  • 不應因為TA的傾向而停止或不給予TA事奉的機會,也不應不讓TA參與教會任何禮儀,如聖餐及崇拜等。
  • 稱呼跨性別信徒時,就算是其他人不知道其身份,都應盡量避免用弟兄/姊妹,可以自然地稱呼TA的中文或英文名字,讓TA在教會裡能夠容易適應。
  • 當對同志信徒談及感情問題時應小心,如真的需要提到,盡量避免用「男朋友」或「女朋友」,可用「partner」、「另一半」等較為中性的字眼代替,或以中性的問題去發問,如「最近有沒有新戀情」等。
  • 如有信徒覺得需要為當事人禱告,建議盡量以私禱進行。就算是在小組或團契中集體禱告,若當事人知道,都會做成對TA很大的不安與壓力。
  • 教會應盡量聆聽TA們的心聲,少作評論及意見,讓TA們的難處成為教會學習的功課。TA們能夠來到這一間教會,也願意留下,必然有上帝的心意。雖然香港有多間接納同志的教會,也有專門為同志設立的,但若TA們願意留下來,實在不應主動建議TA轉去其他教會,除非TA們在教會內受到嚴重的攻擊與傷害,到了教會已沒有能力處理的地步。(接納同志的教會資料記載在本手冊後的章節)。




彩虹約章 — 共建同志友善教會







本港的社商賢匯 (Community Business) 在這方面有很多研究及實踐經驗,與本地國際企業有相當多的合作。以下是社商賢匯出版的「建立同志友善工作空間」手冊:










  • 職場同志共融的對像應包括僱主、管理層、僱員、外判公司、服務提供、企業責任及企業方針等不同面向。
  • 於辦公室內張貼同志友善或消除歧視性傾向及性別認同的海報,於當眼地方放置如本手冊等資料供閱覽及索取,如有需要可與本機構聯絡。
  • 為員工及人力資源部開辦培訓講座,本機構可免費提供。
  • 中小型企業的人力資源部應肩負起企業內同志共融的責任。面對著新入職的僱員,無論其性/別身份,都應說明企業對同志的共融原則,讓員工一開始已充分了解公司的立場及態度。及後無論是同志或其他同事遇上問題,人力資源部應盡早介入,令事件不會造成對員工之間的傷害。部門亦應替同志員工提供支援,商討最合適的對策。我們不主張以強硬手段對待歧視同志的員工,較合適的做法是讓該員工明白尊重及不應歧視的原則,讓各人在工作上有平等的機會。如有需要,可考慮以暫時性的調職安排,安撫被歧視的對象。但最終亦不應當作事情沒有發生,宜加強企業內的培訓及發放通告讓員工明白公司對同志共融的態度及原則。
  • 於應徵表格上加入性別友善的選項或句子,如性別選項為「男/女/其他」、明列公司執行「消除性傾向歧視僱傭實務守則」等。
  • 於公司內成立或鼓勵員工自發成立同志共融小組,組織社交活動或分享講座等。需留意「共融小組」並非只供跨性別或同志參與,一般員工的參與更為重要。不然就會變成被迫出櫃(Come Out)的活動。
  • 於公司內部制定簡單易明的同志共融守則或指引,也可考慮提供給已在外地註冊的同性伴侶享有公司提供與僱員異性伴侶同等的福利。
  • 若是有跨性別的同事,應仔細考慮各項安排。因跨性別的狀況較複雜,非手術、手術前及手術後的跨性別員工也有不同的需要及應對措施,同時需要小心照顧當事人及其他同事的心理狀況,務求兼顧各方的感受。就跨性別員工在工作間內的協調上,以洗手間/更衣室的使用最為敏感,其次是穿著/制服問題,另外也需注意對該員工在稱謂上的轉變。跨性別員工在手術前、後,其性別轉換過程或多或少會為其他同事帶來疑惑及焦慮。跨性別員工期望同事即時認同其另一個性別,及可以使用另一個性別的洗手間/更衣室設施。但這些轉變也可能導致個別員工的憂慮及不滿。有公司會安排一個獨立的洗手間/更衣室給當事人使用,但如此一來,亦會容易令當事人有被排斥的感覺。僱主應多方協調,讓各員工都能夠明白其他人的處境,找出最適當的處理方案。






  • 聆聽TA的故事時,可於重要的細節提問,但不應急於表達自己對那些概念的不理解,不應不斷提出問題或質疑TA的想法。聆聽後可記下重要的關鍵詞,再自行上網查找資訊,待下次有機會時向TA了解更多,切記不要不停追問細節及問題。預留充裕時間讓TA回答每一個問題,因為TA跟家人/朋友出櫃的壓力非常之大,不要嚇怕TA而失去將來溝通的機會。
  • TA通常會選擇與比較容易接納TA的家人或朋友作出櫃對象,TA希望通過您的協助,讓其他比較抗拒TA身份的家人/朋友比較容易接受。您可以主動提出這個想法並向TA評估實際情況,或者找機會向TA的目標人物試探,然後再跟TA商量出櫃的可行性。
  • 作好隨時為TA護航的準備。當TA受到別人質疑但仍未準備出櫃時,請助TA解圍,如拉開話題等。有需要時請站在TA的一方,為TA辯護。
  • 嘗試跟TA或邀請TA出席一些相關的研討會或同志友善活動,給TA帶來支持,及主動了解TA的世界。
  • 不要假設其他人不會接受TA的性/別身份,這樣的假設會打擊TA的自信。而且,當您都不相信其他人會接納,反映出您也未完全接納TA。
  • 接納TA的重點是相信TA的個人決定,而並非必要認同某套價值觀。愛TA和關懷TA,讓TA無論作了什麼決定,都活得快樂和有自信,當TA跌倒或難過時,扶TA一把!







  • 於提供服務的印刷刊物上,加入同志友善的內容。如「接納多元」、「任何膚色、種族、性傾向、性別認同及表達…」、「愛無分性/別…」等等,也可加入六色彩虹的圖像元素。
  • 於媒體宣傳上,強調性別的多樣性及接納包容等訊息。
  • 提供場地、支援給同志機構,或合辦活動與講座。
  • 參與成為不同宣揚同志平等及關懷活動的贊助商。
  • 於同志雜誌、媒體、網站上刊登廣告。



「跨性別同行計劃」是本中心於2015年,得到政府資助推行的其中一個跨性別同盟項目。計劃的目的是通過「跨友TRANS BUDDY」組隊與跨性別朋友相處,進入TA們的日常生活裡,了解跨性別人士在不同處境所遇到的困難與期望,整個活動為一項現實生活中的性別教育。此計劃也期望能讓跨性別朋友在社交中建立更高的自我認同及價值,為實現人生計劃打下良好基礎,並培植跨友隊長成為跨性別大使,帶領此計劃長遠發展,並在社會上推動性別多元教育。




活動過程中,跨性別朋友和「跨友」 可以拍攝生活照片,紀錄在跨性別資源中心提供的生活手冊中,但如果未得任何組員同意,不可擅自於網絡上公開。活動中期跨性別資源中心將為所有隊伍舉行聯歡會,界時各隊員將有機會向其他隊伍分享活動感受,並與顧問進行交流。

整個項目完結前,隊伍會以匯報形式進行活動總結和交流(其中包括活動感想和活動照片),由隊員提交對整個活動參與的個人感受。部份表現優秀隊員,可被甄選參與進深培訓營,以考取作為「跨性別大使」及「Trans Buddy Program 隊長」,作為下一屆計劃的協作顧問。









梁詠恩 Joanne Leung







作者:梁詠恩 Joanne Leung


隊友:池清麗 Chi Jamie Anne 

   曹綺雯 Charissa Chao Yee Man 







The Book of Transgender in Hong Kong



This is a handbook consolidated and translated from three of our Chinese booklets Gossip Boys & Girls series. The first booklet was published in 2012 as we found easy understanding information for Chinese readers was absent. Although there was quite a lot of information in English from western countries, we cannot just copy it from different contexts and cultures as the transgender community is so diverse all over the world. Another reason why we need to create our own book is that publications available are either produced by Transgender people, telling the outside world what people should do, or written by cisgender professionals or researchers.


Taking into consideration the general public’s perspective, Gossip Boys & Girls series were written in the language for the wider population. Gossip in Chinese is 是非. It also means Right and Wrong. Gender and sexuality of a person could always be the focus in gossips among people no matter you are LGBT people or not. What even worst is that transgender people are always judged by the others as “right or wrong”. Two of my best transgender friends were unable to bear the suppression and committed suicide one in 2004, followed by another one in 2008. Another gay friend of mine has committed suicide recently in Jan 2017. What caused them to make such a decision? Is it their fault being true to themselves? I hope this handbook lay out from the experience of a transgender person who has overcome those unspeakable difficulties in life will give you more insight about the transgender community in Hong Kong. 


The Basic Concept of Gender


To respect and embrace different gender identifications, we intend to use “singular they” throughout our booklet.

Singular they is the use in English of the pronoun they or its inflected or derivative forms, them, their, theirs, and themselves (or themself), as a gender-neutral singular pronoun. It typically occurs with an antecedent of indeterminate gender, as in sentences such as:

● "Somebody left their umbrella in the office. Would they please collect it?"

● "The patient should be told at the outset how much they will be required to pay."

● "But a journalist should not be forced to reveal their sources."

The singular they had emerged by the 14th century and is common in everyday spoken English, but its use has been the target of criticism since the late 19th century. Its use in formal English has increased with the trend toward gender-inclusive language.

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they


Transgender Terms

There are quite some evolution on those terms used in the transgender community. For some reasons, more people started using Transman to replace FtM and Transwoman to replace MtF so as to address transgender individual in a more affirmative way naming only their desired gender identity but not the past history. Yet this may take time for cisgender people to get familiarized with the terms and we need to respect people who prefer different addressing.


We also used more “Trans” in recent years instead of Transgender person, Transman, and Transwoman, etc which is a more inclusive and non-binary term representing the diversity of the community in causal usages. But for this handbook, we intended to use more easy understanding terms for our readers who might not be familiar with this topic. More transgender terms can be found on Internet. We prefer to use different terms in different occasions for better understanding and mutual respect but not to focus only on our concern.


What is “Gender”?

Most people naturally think there are only male and female when we talk about gender. Yet have we ever thought about the implications of this seemingly incontestable binary definition? What is the correlation between gender and our daily life? Does gender give us an advantage or cause us trouble? 


Though “gender” and “sex” are actually the same word in Chinese, in fact the term “gender” carries different meanings and is seldom recognized by the Chinese culture. Sex refers to one’s biological and physiological characteristics, while gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women. These gender characteristics evolution and construction are the result of cultures and traditions, not innate. Those daily life gender manifestations, such as one’s appearance or clothing, are not physiological sex. It is rather a demonstration of gender that most people learned from imitation. 


Broadly speaking, gender could be categorized into gender identity, roles and expression.  In most cases, sociological and psychological gender cannot be defined by sex alone but more by one’s functionality and characteristics. Gender is a blending of masculinity and femininity and could be easier to be understood  through the concept of Chinese philosophy yin and yang. 


In fact, biological sex is not dichotomous. There are male and female, as well as asexual and androgyny in biological world, all of these determinations depends on the living condition and reproductive requirements. No doubt reproduction is an important condition for species to be preserved, but we must understand that the diversity of species in the world. Reproduction is only one of the functions, and not every individual must undergo the same process.


What is Transgender?

Transgender (TG) people are those whose gender identity, or behavior does not correspond with their assigned sex at birth or falls outside of stereotypical gender norms. Those conditions can be expressed or presented via the recognition of their own gender, perception of their body, social identity, family roles, intimate relationships, temperament, appearance and clothing, etc. Nonetheless, there are still people falling into this group that do not consider themselves as transgender. We need to respect the identification of every individuals and never impose labels on anyone. 


What is Gender Identity?

Gender identity is the innermost psychological perception of one’s gender. The gender identity of most people seems to be consistent with their assigned sex at birth, while transgender people undergo an incongruous or conflicted situation. Gender identity can be male, female, both or neither. Non-binary gender diversity do exist and there are agender, androgyne, bigender, genderfluid, etc. Indeed, most people may not fully meet the socially constructed stereotypical gender norms in some of their behavioral characteristics. They just conceal those experiences as we are are forbidden or taught not to go beyond these boundaries when we grow up.


The Concept of Sexual Orientation

Sexual orientation refers to being romantically, sexually, emotionally, or spiritually attracted to people of a specific sex (or gender). People in the society often experience emotionally and/or sexually attracted to people who are the opposite sex. For them, the relationship between the same sex people can only be limited to friendship. People may hear more about heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual as one of the sexual orientation. Bisexual refers to a person who is emotionally, and/or sexually attracted to people of both the same and opposite sex. This definition is based on binary gender and some bisexual persons might experience attraction toward different genders. Another term people are less familiar with is pansexual, where it refers to a person who experiences sexual, romantic and/or spiritual attraction for people of all genders or that gender is not a matter. Meanwhile, there are also people experiencing little or no sexual attraction to other and/or lack of interest in sexual relationship or behavior, i.e. asexual. 


It is roughly estimated that 10% of the population is homosexual. However, we are unable to understand the population of people of different sexual orientation until society is inclusive enough for non-heterosexual people to feel secure to express their identity freely. 



This is a short form of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression. The most recently usage is SOGIESC, adding Sex Characteristics at the end to represent the condition of Intersex status. When we talk about LGBT, we are talking about homosexual which is part of the sexual orientation and transgender which is also part of the gender identity. But for SOGIE, we are talking about the whole spectrum of sexual orientation, gender identity as well as gender expression without exclusion of anyone. For some topics like anti-discrimination, we should not only protect the rights of LGBT & I people and ignore the possibility that  straight and cisgender people will also suffer from discrimination in terms of their SOGIE status as well as Sex Characteristics.



Transgender = Transsexual?

Not all transgender people wish or desire to alter their bodies through hormonal treatment or surgery to align with their gender identities. For some, crossdressing eases their inner struggle. Many factors such as environment, economic situation, and health status may determine how the individual wishes to live and express their gender identity. Therefore, it is hard to determine someone is a transsexual person or not. Transsexual is a person people who has strong and consistent desire to alter their own body to another sex. It’s not about their stage in transitioning or whether or not they have completed the sex reassignment surgery. There are post-op TS who has completed the SRS, pre-op TS who are in the transitioning process before the surgery and non-op TS who do not consider to have surgery at that particular moment.


Transgender vs Homosexual

Transgender is an understanding of the denial of one’s own body or gender, from the very own “self”. When we say someone is a transgender, we are dealing with the person’s gender identity, which should not be confused with that person’s sexual orientation.


When we talk about homosexuality, we are looking at a person’s sexual orientation determined by the gender who the person attracted to. Let us simplify the complex situation by eliminating transgender here and assuming there are only male and female. Homosexuals are attracted to people of the same sex while heterosexuals are attracted to the opposite.


Under general circumstances, homosexuals and heterosexuals only, excluding people who identifying as transgender, accept and affirm their bodies as well as gender identity. Some homosexuals like to be dressed as another gender but usually as a form of entertainment or gender expression. In most cases they do not feel anxious about their bodies and gender identity like transgender people. 


When it comes to transgender as the subject, it becomes more complicated to define whether the person is heterosexual or homosexual. Usually, it is based on their desired gender identity regardless of whether they have undergonesex reassignment surgery (SRS) or not. It is important to identify based on one’s personal perception instead of forcing someone to accept a certain sexual orientation or label. In the transgender community, there are heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual and other sexual orientations, but their proportion is still unknown. 


For transgender people, of course, their sexual orientation might have some implication on their own gender definition. However, in many cases, it affects more their attitude or decision to have SRS but not their gender identity. The complexity and close relationship between gender identity and sexual orientation has not only confused the public, but also created anxiety in many transgender people and made them hesitant about what course to follow. 


Beginning of the community

Transgender people have always been a hidden clan in society. Influenced by the West, society becomes more open and the Chinese tradition has become less restricted towards men’s roles and family lineage. In the 1970s and 1980s, young people became financially independent and autonomous, they can afford more time and space to contemplate and imagine about sex and gender. In 1990s, the Internet became more popular in Hong Kong and came the broadband era in 2000s. Some people who were anxious about their SOGIE status were able to search from a wealth of information on the Internet. They also found some local crossdressers and from all over the world. This encouraged them to explore and pursue their dream in life. The term transgender was not yet known by the community until later introduced by scholars and activists like Dr. Sam Winter who was the Associate Professor of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) for 12 years until 2013 working for transgender health and rights.


A group of experts led by Dr. Ng Man Lun in Hong Kong recognized the need for patients with transsexual desire. In consideration of that, they set up the first sex clinic in Queen Mary Hospital in 1979. This launched a new page on SRS in Hong Kong. Since then, news about transgender people was published in the media from time to time. Even so, transgender people were not been well accepted by society. They still encounter a lot of difficulties and anxieties in work and life. These resulted in the high degree of people who have undergone SRS to hide their identity or even commit suicide. It is still the case even today and in other countries as well. According to "Mental Health of Transgender People in Hong Kong", a survey released by Associate Professor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dr. Suen Yiu-tung and Transgender Resource Center in 2016, over 70%of transgender youth had contemplated suicide.


There are a few transgender people who tried to find a way out from self-repression of late years. Embracing their identity with a positive attitude, they bravely disclose it to the public and the media. In the case of W v Registrar of Marriages in 2010, the coverage of the incident sparked public discussion about the rights of transgender people. It also indirectly increased the visibility of transgender people in society. 


In fact, the transgender population should be larger than we know. However, the only way to raise the awareness and understanding of society and the government for it to allocate resources and support, is to increase transgender people’s visibility. In view of this, in recent years concern groups are committed to reveal the reality of this community to the public. 


The History and Present Situation of the Community

In the past, the transgender community cannot actually be regarded as a community. Most transgender individuals can only chose to have a double life, living in pain and struggles, leaving them no strength to seek out or contact other fellows. In 2002, several transgender people founded Hong Kong’s first online forum for crossdressers, hkcdfamily. Stepping out from the dark, a huge number of members appeared in a sudden and hkcdfamily became the only transgender forum at that time. Later, three similar forums emerged: cdgal, cd paradise and TSense. The first two forums specifically catered for crossdressers and TSense targeted mainly for transsexual people.


It is always not easy to step forward from the virtual world to reality. At that time, led by doctors, several people who had undergone SRS in Hong Kong formed a liaison group. The number of members was as high as over 20 in the later stage, including expatriates and cisgender scholars. In 2004, the liaison group registered as a society in the name of “Transgender Equality & Acceptance Movement” (TEAM). However, the organization has become silent in recent years. 


 “Genderconcerns” was established in 2005 and it focuses on hotline service to transgender people. Over the same period, there was also a team known as 蛇王工作室, dedicated to transgender sharing among different organizations and schools. By 2008, a number of transgender people and scholars set up “Transgender Resource Center” to promote transgender concept and to provide services across the transgender community. 


After years of development, there are still approximately less than 200 transgender people who are willing to show their faces in the community. The development of the transgender 

community still requires the efforts and perseverance of the people concerned. 


Transgender Population

Owing to their low visibility, there is no clear figure of the transgender population in a given society. Therefore it is difficult to understand their situation by simple statistics. The situation also varies in different countries and cultures. For example, some countries are more open to the diversity of gender, this will make it easier for transgender people to be present in public. Transgender people in the developed countries where information is more accessible will be more likely to accept themselves as transgender, thus increasing their visibility in society. Meanwhile, there seems to be relatively less transgender people in certain countries in which there are threat of life on them. 


The major reason for the high degree of concealment of transgender people in the society is the fear of rejection and discrimination. Besides, patriarchy of the traditional Chinese culture also deters transgender people from disclosing their identity. According to the Hong Kong government, there are about 100 cases of SRS performed in in the public hospital so far. We also believe that more transgender people are having SRS in countries such as Thailand, Taiwan and the United States who lives in Hong Kong and the estimated number of Transsexual people who have completed SRS is about 200 to 300.


According to two online forums in Hong Kong exclusive for crossdressers, they have over 51,000 and 23,000 members respectively at the end of 2016. Most of the members were male-to-female crossdressers (i.e. people who identify themselves as female while assigned as male at birth). Taking out repeated registrations, non-transgender people and non-residents, etc, a conservative estimate of transgender population is over 10,000 to 20,000 in Hong Kong. The number does not include those transgender people who are female to male, did not have access to the Internet, and those who did not dare to register on the website. Some research estimated that one in every 300-500 persons in the population is transgender which is quite identical to our estimation.


Why are there more Male-to-Female (MtF) Transgender People?

According to statistics from around the world, the proportion of “male-to-female (MtF)” and “female-to-male (FtM)” is nearly equal. The data of Hong Kong government hospitals also affirms this proportion. Perhaps, higher visibility of MtF made people feel they are more in number. There are a few possible reasons we can think of: 


● With regard to local observation, FtM transgender people in Hong Kong tend to be more independent and they participate mostly in small group gatherings, while MtF prefers large group gatherings and their social circle is relatively wide. They confide in friends, welcome peer supports and their identity is known to more people. 

● FtM will become more masculine after taking hormones and their voice will also change. It is easier for them to adopt into usual daily life. Instead the change of MtF after taking hormones is sometimes less obvious and it takes a long time for them to go through the transitioning process. 

● The change of life and clothing of FtM in transition is easier to handle since the changes are usually undetectable. On the contrary, MtF may have experienced a lot of difficulties during the early crossdressing stage. They may encounter a lot of problems in life where they need to gather information and experiences from members in the community. This helps the building of a strong relationship with and facilitates the development of the MtF community.

● The changes of MtF during transition are obvious, the reaction and impression will be stronger and more profound. 


Difficulties in Life

The difficulties transgender people encounter in their lives are complex. Here let us simplify it into two parts. The first part is before they disclose their gender identity and the second part is after coming out or undergoing enormous change in their appearance and lifestyles, or the situation after completing SRS.


Transgender people usually conceal and suppress their feelings before they accept they are different and recognise their true identity in front of others as they do not believe that there are people who will understand them. They even believe they are abnormal or insane. It is hard for transgender people to have someone to talk to and they always feel lonely. They may force themselves to dress according to the social norm so as to cover up their true selves. By and by their suppressed feeling lurking deep inside may disrupt their lives. They become withdrawn or negative about life, and they are likely to hurt themselves or commit suicide. They will often attribute all unhappy incidents in life to their gender identity issue. 


When a transgender person begins to accept the other side of themself, their appearance and way of life are likely to change to a great extent. They have to face questions from family members, neighbours, relatives, friends, and colleagues. Sometimes they may feel uncomfortable even though the questioners bear no malice, since they may not be well prepared to face such in-depth and harsh questions. 


In addition, they also wish to dress and express in line with their gender identity in workplace. However, the company or colleagues may find it incongruous. They may also encounter difficulties when they dress up for job interviews. In particular, transgender people often have to face the embarrassment of using the toilet in public and in workplace. For those who have completed the SRS and have their identity documents’ sex marker changed, it presents no problem. However, before the surgery or when they are undergoing “Real Life Experience” (RLE) required by the sex clinic, it is very difficult for them to position their gender in daily life without the gender marker change on their ID card. For as simple as using the toilet, some may choose to use the one for the disabled, or simply try not to use the toilet in public places to avoid embarrassment and this often causes different health issues to them.


Religious belief may also be one of the challenges to be tackled. It may be a great impact to transgender people themselves, or to believers in the opposition group. 


Of course we have met transgender people who are positive about life and we hope their experience can encourage more people to come out of the haze and live a meaningful life. 



The degree of acceptance of transgender people in Hong Kong during the last two to three decades has increased, and the term “transgender” introduced to Hong Kong in recent years entailed a more positive image than the older terms. Previously men wearing women’s clothes are often known as the metamorphosis or “人妖” (human monster), or considered a criminal intent. Yet women in men’s wear seems not to be a big problem. 


However, since it is very difficult for transgender people to disclose their identity when they encounter discrimination situations and there are a great reluctance for them to report cases to proper channels, coupled with their low visibility in society, it is indeed hard to analyze the existing discrimination situation toward transgender people. 


From the experience of the community, there is less discrimination against transgender people in industry like design, IT and fashion while they encounter unpleasant experience more seriously in the workplace, job application, church, school, places of entertainment, immigration, detention and imprisonment, etc. 


Legal Protection

At present, there is no legislation in Hong Kong to protect the rights of transgender people. The existing Sex Discrimination Ordinance is not able to cover the situation of transgender people. Only those being diagnosed as "Gender Identity Disorder (GID)" can be protected by the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO). The reason is that GID is classified as mental disease in Hong Kong which is in turn a transgender stigma. A recent update of "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder" (DSM V) by American Psychological Association in 2013 has replaced GID with Gender Dysphoria which eliminates the pathological implication of transgender status and hope Hong Kong will follow later.



Is Transsexual Psychotic?

Currently in Hong Kong and most countries in the world, people who want to have SRS are required to undergo psychiatric and psychological assessment for a minimum of two years. Once they are being diagnosed as having GID, they can be referred to the surgical department and schedule for SRS. Currently in Hong Kong, only government hospitals this surgery and the services was centralized in Prince Wales Hospital’s as Gender Identity Disorder Clinic in Oct 2016. 


The long history of the western countries using the old version of WPATH’s (named as the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association before 2006) Standards of Care for Gender Identity Disorders version 6 (SOC-6) and the Fourth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV ) as the blueprint made GID still a psychiatric disorder in some countries including Hong Kong. 


As a result of the action of the concerned parties, the world Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) released the seventh version of SOC in late 2011. Taking the perspective of transgender people, numerous amendments and additions were made in order to clarify public’s misunderstanding of transgender people in the past. The removal of GID in DSM V clearly indicates that gender incongruence alone is not a mental illness. Yet the recent update of the SOC-7 and DSM V will not be effective in Hong Kong shortly and we hope with the efforts of the international experts in the field, there will soon be some changes.


There will be the new version of International Classification of Diseases (ICD 11) to be released in 2018 by WHO which will remove GID from the category Mental and Behavioural Disorders. The WHO proposes a ”gender incongruence” category under the new section 6: ”Conditions related to sexual health” which will further eliminate the stigmatization of transgender people.


The Stages of Self-discovery

From growing up to discovering themself, a transgender person may have gone through several stages. From birth to school age, they began to learn to differentiate between men and women. During the nursery period, teachers asked the boys and girls to line up separately to the toilet. All these lead them to query about their genders and their own gender. So in general, from four to eight years’ old, transgender kids began to realise their own differences. This is the Stage of Enlightenment.


Their whole school years are filled with endless self-doubt and struggles. This is an important stage of physical and mental development of oneself. Puberty could be one of the most difficult issues they will be encountered. If transgender children cannot accept being different and go their own way, they may live in pain and confusion. They cannot find anyone to talk to, nor do they know how to face the issues. They are also likely to be bullied at school. This is the Stage of Doubt.


When they began to understand their uniqueness, they will continue to explore their own needs. They will go everywhere to look for relevant information. When they become economically independent, they may begin to purchase clothing of the opposite sex. However, people in this stage are most likely to suffer from great pain and inner conflicts. It will be even more worse if they are in a relationship as it make things more complicated for them to deal with both their own gender issue as well as romantic love and sexual desire at the same time. They are constantly tortured by craving to be another sex and self-blaming, and many of them might contemplate suicide if they cannot find any support. This stage is regarded as Exploration and Struggles.


Some transgender people may seek help from social workers, counselors, doctors, and even the church. However, the public’s limited understanding of transgender people may sometimes even worsen the situation. In recent years, there are organizations established by transgender people and the emergence of inclusive churches providing a better support to this helpless group. Regardless of whether those people will eventually decide to undergo SRS, it is important to deal with their emotional and psychological needs, help them understand and accept themselves so they will live in a positive way.


Assessment Process for Surgery

In order to undergo SRS in Hong Kong, one needs to go through the required assessment procedure. Psychiatric and psychology assessments help determine whether the person is suitable for SRS. The whole process also involve professionals in occupational therapy, speech therapy, Genetics, Endocrinology, Gynecology, social worker and Legal Counsel. Prior to 2005, the "Sex Clinic" of the Queen Mary Hospital was responsible for the assessment of gender identity cases of all districts and providing one-stop services. However, the clinic was closed due to some doctors in the sex clinic retired and lack of resources. After that, services are supposed to be handled by hospital in its own cluster where the patients live but doctors were not trained to deal with such cases and there were only very limited support for people who have been anxiously waiting for SRS for almost 10 years. In the past few years, some doctors who are concerned with transgender people’s needs have been working hard to resume the assessment services in different clusters and finally the new Gender Identity Disorder Clinic was set up in Oct 2016 at Prince of Wales Hospital to provide integrated services for transgender people for all districts including SRS. 


Generally, the assessment process takes a minimum of two years. The most important part of the assessment process is Psychiatric and Psychological assessment, Hormone Replacement Therapy, and Real Life Experience. The lengthy process ensures the patient to have a clear understanding of their own needs to avoid making the wrong decision for an irreversible surgery.


Real Life Experience (RLE)

Those patients who are assessed will have to spend at least one year or more to live full time in their desired gender in order to assure that they can psychologically function in that gender role. The doctor will issue a letter certifying that the patient is being assessed and need to dress in their desired gender so as to avoid trouble when using the toilet or in other occasions. However, since the gender marker on their identity card cannot be changed at this moment without full SRS, they may encounter difficulties at work and in other circumstances. Therefore, the doctors will usually discuss with the patient for a partial RLE.


Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

In the assessment process, doctor will start prescribing hormone replacement therapy to the patient once diagnosed with GID with no other major issues for SRS. HRT may be given by either oral or injection. The patient will experience a certain degree of physical and mental changes including the development of the secondary sex characteristics of the desired sex, such as breasts and a feminine pattern of hair, fat, and muscle distribution and other side effects. It cannot undo many of the changes produced by naturally occurring puberty. To some extent, some of these effects are reversible. This stage helps to determine if the patients are ready for the surgery and live in the opposite gender in the future. 


After the completion of surgery, the patient might require to continue the HRT as to keep the hormonal balance that the body needs. The side effects of medication vary from person to person and patients should decide whether to use it persistently or not. However, it is not necessary to take hormones for life.


Surgical Consideration

Sex reassignment surgery is the surgical procedures to alter the body  to align with their desired gender so that they look and function like the opposite sex. It usually involves genital reconstruction, but there may be other necessary surgeries including chest reconstruction or breast augmentation, facial plastic reconstruction, Adam’s apple reduction, or even vocal surgery. All these are to facilitate the patient’s integration into the new life after surgery.


The surgery is more complex than most people can imagine, and it involves the reconstruction of sexual organs. It’s more accurate to call it Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) or Genital Reconstruction Surgery (GRS) than people usually name it as Sex Change Surgery. There is a more progressive term called Gender Affirming Surgery being introduced in recent years.


The most important and complex part of the surgery is the reconstruction of sexual organs, which deals with the appearance and function of the sexual characteristics of their identified gender. Genital reassignment reshapes the genital by using their existing body parts and nerve tissue to build a tactile and resembling organ. 


Sex reassignment surgery for male-to-female is relatively simple. It usually includes breast augmentation, urethral displacement, penile and testicular resection, vaginoplasty (i.e. foreskin is inverted as a flap while preserving its blood and nerve supplies to form a fully sensitive vagina, and part of the glans of penis reshaped into a clitoris), labiaplasty (i.e. the scrotal tissue forms the labia majora and minora). In some cases, colon vaginoplasty may be a choice in which a section of sigmoid colon may be grafted in a vaginal lining that will form a deeper vagina with natural secretion. It also includes chondrolaryngoplasty (i.e. the thyroid cartilage is reduced in size by shaving down the cartilage through an incision in the throat). This series of surgical procedures is usually completed in one or two operations. 


Sex reassignment surgery for female-to-male is more complex. It usually involves a variety of surgical procedures including bilateral mastectomy (i.e. the removal of the breasts and the shaping of a male contoured chest with grafting and the reconstruction of the nipple-areola), and hysterectomy (i.e. the removal of the vagina, uterus and ovaries). After that, phalloplasty (i.e. the construction of artificial penis) will take place. The graft is usually taken from the arm, the leg, or the flap, bone, muscle and nerve tissues, and then transplanted to the appropriate location. It normally takes several large-scale surgeries to complete. Depending on the desired effect, different techniques for penile reconstruction will be employed. However, since phalloplasty is invasive, involves higher risk and with a low success rate, a lot of people will choose to have metoidioplasty/clitoral release or even not undergo a complete genital reassignment surgery.


Surgery is the Only Way Out?

For a person with gender dysphoria, living as another gender is a lifelong hope. The price for this is, however, extremely high until this moment in Hong Kong and in a lot of other countries. Apart from the invasive surgery, there is pressure from society as well as family and friends. For transgender people who do not opt for SRS, there seems to be no solution to their eternal quest. 


According to Transgender Resource Center’s understanding, the source of stress and anxiety of transgender people is a combined result of complex social and self-identity construction, intertwined with physiological and psychological factors. Issues are not only from within the subject’s own body and mind. And yet we must understand changes in the society do not take place in a fortnight. If transgender people sort out the issues they are facing and unite with their transgender movement counterparts, improvement of the environment for transgender people can be achieved more effectively.


In the past, issues and services related to transgender were being dominated by outsiders who lack understanding of and show little empathy towards transgender people. From medical, counseling to the legal system, the outsiders determine the fates of many transgender people. In recent years, leaders from the community have stood up in many places, leading the equality movements. The long-buried voices are heard. Visibility of the transgender community has been raised and more understanding from the public. Some public services also take into consideration the genuine need of the transgender community.


It is believed that in the near future, surgery is only one of the means for transgender people to express their identity and orientation, rather than the only way out. 


Gender Marker Change

All residents of Hong Kong who have undergone SRS in a recognized hospital in any country may submit application to the Immigration Department (IMMD) to change the gender marker on their identity card. Applications should be submitted together with a medical certificate issued by the doctor who performed SRS in accordance with the criteria set out below. Upon completion of the vetting process, the change of gender markers on other legal documents or certificates, such as passports, HKEAA certificates, banks, insurance, Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macau Residents, driving licenses, etc. may follow. However, the mechanism of gender marker change in corresponding documents in some schools and organizations is absent, while change of gender marker in passports issued by other countries are subject to the provisions of that particular country.


The following are the criteria for the completion of SRS set out by the Immigration Department: 

(i) For sex change from female to male

removal of the uterus and ovaries; and

construction of a penis or some form of a penis

(ii) For sex change from male to female

removal of the penis and testes; and

construction of a vagina


Please refer to Q22 at www.gov.hk/tc/residents/immigration/idcard/hkic/faq_hkic.htm for more information. 


Post-Operative Life

In the past, most of the post-op TS have chosen to lead an entirely different life after the completion of SRS. They may conceal their past for fear of rejection or because they want to be more secure in a relationship. Their lives are no different from those ordinary people and they have developed their career in different fields. Their quality of life is not as bad as most people imagine. It is found that emotional anxiety is likely to arise in transgender people who shut themselves off lest their identity be revealed, this usually built up anxiety and unhappiness. On the contrary, post-op TS who keep a connection with the community are less stressed out in life and tend to be happier. 


Rumor has it that transsexualr people after SRS have a short life span but this argument is unfounded. Transsexual people were under a great pressure facing the stigmatization and discrimination from the society in the past. Some of them chose to end their life prematurely even after the surgery. There are also people suffering from overdose of hormonal treatment to keep their beautiful figure and at the same time keeping the functionality of their penis like those performing on stage and doing sex work in Thailand. They might encounter different kinds of health issues. After all, the real situation can only be revealed after more transgender people tell their own stories. 


Gender Recognition Ordinance

Although a transgender person can change the gender marker in all Hong Kong issued identity documents after the completion of SRS, as stipulated by the Immigration Department in accordance with its administrative guidelines. However, there is still no law that clearly defines the legal gender of a transgender person. After the vote down of the Marriage (Amendment) Bill by the Legislative Council in 2014, a transgender person who has completed SRS and has the gender marker changed on their identity card may still lawfully marry someone in the opposite sex in Hong Kong according to the judgement of the Court of Final Appeal. However, the gender status of the transgender people in all other laws is still in doubt. In 2014, the Government set up an Inter-Departmental Working group to study the legislation on the Gender Recognition Ordinance but no public announcements of the study was made until the end of 2016.




Crossdressing is the act of wearing the clothes of the opposite gender to express their dissatisfaction of their own. Crossdressing could be a kind of protest, or an external expression of their own feelings. To a crossdresser, sometimes it is a matter of beauty or the right fitting (sorry r i dun understand right fitting ar). It is a natural thing to do or sometimes they do not even have a choice.


This kind of choice may lead to certain social pressure or even persecution from the outside world. Xunzi said: “Nothing is originally appropriate, but accepted through common practice”. We cannot help but ask, who determines these boundaries? 


Crossdressing = Abnormal? 

Crossdressing denotes the act of a person who wears clothing of the opposite sex. Any person can have the experience of crossdress and it does not mean that there is any problem. As society continues to evolve, clothing of men and women is undergoing considerable alteration. Nowadays, clothing and fashion has become more gender vague. But in fact those identified as women’s clothing are originally men’s wear in some old days. The degree of societal acceptance for crossdressing varies for male and female. Females may be given more latitude than males for wearing clothing associated with the opposite gender. On the contrary, males in women’s outfits may be regarded as abnormal. 


Only a person who has the desire to wear clothes of the opposite sex with consistency either full time or part of the time will be regarded as crossdresser. Cross-dressers in most of the cases only define men who like to dress as women, while women dress up as men does not constitute a significant issue of identity in life. In Hong Kong, transgender people who do not have a transsexual desire or who do not have a strong and persistent sense of dysphoria with the sex assigned at birth are usually defined as crossdresser, which includes different sexual orientations. The proportion of heterosexual seems to be higher in this group of people due to reasons yet to be explored.


The cause of crossdressing desire in some people is not known yet. Many of them who crossdress describe it as an outlet for stress. After all, this may be related to gender identity anxiety but the extent of the influence is not strong enough for them to alter their bodies to align with the desired gender. 


Cross-dressers usually have a stable job, and their life is no different than others. They may have a partner or are married, or they may even be a father. Some of their family members understand their crossdressing behavior. Unfortunately, as crossdressing is still a taboo in society, their anxiety cannot be relieved no matter how hard they try. Actually crossdressers just, to a limited extent, wish to express their gender expression rather than disturb other people’s lives. It is more accurate to say that society is not inclusive enough of gender diversity than to say crossdressers are abnormal. 


Only Men Like to Dress as Women?

In the feudal society, the roles of men and women are very strict in both the West and in China, especially for women. Women are expected to stay at home and listen to what men tell them to do. Since coming out from the patriarchal world, women often present in masculine dresses, or do it as a form of political protest. 


Today, women’s attire sees a wide spectrum, from very feminine to very masculine. They can dress more masculine at any time won’t cause any troubles at all. It broadens the gender expression of women in quite some aspects yet not all. We cannot deny that there are women who crossdress. The butch women in the lesbian subculture are females manifesting more masculine traits. In Wikipedia, a tomboy is a girl who exhibits characteristics or behaviors considered typical of a boy, including wearing masculine clothing and engaging in games and activities that are physical in nature and are considered in many cultures to be unfeminine or the domain of boys. The reason why there is no known crossdressing women is that it is unnecessary to identify them as such. We only recognise them until these people express the need to alter their sex. 


Sexual Behavior and Crossdressing

In the past, crossdressers refers to men who love to wear women's clothing. They have neither the intention to alter their gender, nor are they homosexual. That means they are usually men who identity themselves as male and attracted to women. Crossdressing is only a habit or lifestyle, and more often linked with sexual behavior.


We cannot rule out such possibilities, in-depth study of the transgender groups showed many intricate relationships were previously not being observed and analyzed. In the past or even today, there are people who have desire to alter their sex, people who are heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, and asexualin the crossdressing community. We are indeed unable to separate "crossdressing" and "transsexuality" in just two simple groups. Ignoring the complex uniqueness of an individual by causally labeling someone is equivalent to slander.


Let's start with the issue of sexuality. Supposed a man has sexual fantasies, needs, and even sex behaviors after crossdressing, we may mistakenly focus solely on his crossdressing and ignore the other external conditions. Crossdressing may only be one of the conditions arousing this person‘s sex drive. Sex drive for this particular person may not always involve crossdressing. And crossdressing behaviour for this person may not always involve sex drive.


Here is another example: I want to have sleep not because I was wearing pajamas, have spent three hours watching TV, it is now 11 pm or I have gone to toilet five times today. It was just that I feel sleepy and need to satisfy my hunger. People should not conjecture that I am sleepy as I was dressed in pajamas, as there is no cause-and-effect relationship between the two. Similarly, we should not blindly say that a person has sexual fantasies and desire for sex because of crossdressing. Whether or not there is a link between them really depends and a lot is still unknown to us. 


We also found that transgender people’s sexual desire level affects their determination to alter their gender. It does not affect the degree of desire for sex change but it is one of the factors being considered before making a decision.


No Need for SRS?

As mentioned, there are people who identify themselves as crossdressers wish to undergo SRS. From our interviews with crossdressers, we were surprised to find most of them wanted to be the opposite sex. Yet they felt that physically they do not qualify to be another gender and would not possible for them to do so. In addition, after weighing the pros and cons for themselves and for their families, some of them determinedly decided not to realize their own dream. Some of them think that they do not need it, or they think it is unnecessary to undergo invasion operation to change the body condition.



Self-recognition among most crossdressers is rather low. Thinking that their desire of crossdressing is unusual, or even abomination. On the contrary, those with strong self-recognition believe that other people in society failed to understand their behaviours, causing them not to confess or reveal their identity. Innately they feel something wrong, but no matter how hard they try, they cannot get rid of the desire. Since they can only live in constant torment, they can only pretend to be a happy man.


Way Out

One of the key focus in the transgender movement is to facilitate this group to accept themselves and to look at life in a positive manner. Since it is impossible to change their tendency in crossdressing as we know, it is better to explore the bright side of it. No matter what, as long as crossdressing does not inflict harm on others, there is always a chance to make people understand.


Crossdressing can in fact be a form of art or a cultural expression. It takes tremendous skill and effort to look truly alike, expressing both the inner and external beauty of the gender they aspire to be. Transgender people have lived between both genders and always more sensitive and have a better understanding than other people about the divergences and contradictions between men and women. Use it well and we can benefit a lot of people in the world who are exhausted but still have to live their lives in the other gender.


Come Out

Come out of the closet

Come out is a figure of speech for LGBT people's self-disclosure of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Since disclosing their identity involves risk, coming out is usually the last resort. 


Major facets for coming out:

1. Coming out to friends: LGBT people is under a lot of stress and they may not have LGBT friends to support them. When they are still in doubt about their SOGIE issues or still exploring their identity, they might not feel comfortable in joining the LGBT community, nor will they seek relevant support services. For this reason, they need friends to listen to them. They usually talk to friends who are more trustful or who they are not closely related to in their network to minimize the risk.


2. Coming out to family: A few of the LGBT people may be alienated or even at feud with family due to their SOGIE issues. In any case, family is always family. There are also quite a lot of LGBT people who have close relationship with family like most people. It is hard for them to conceal their identity with those they love and ultimately hope their family can understand and accept them as they are. Family acceptance has a great impact on LGBT people as it allows them a great support to face the ups and downs in life. There is always family pressure to get married in traditional families and is  often a source of stress to LGBT people. Coming out to their family seems to be essential yet a big challenge. (For more on family relationships, please refer to the "Transgender Parents' Handbook" of Gossip Boys and Girls series).


3. Coming out in workplace: LGBT people who are positive about their identity and have confidence that both their employer and colleagues, they will have the courage to come out to the co-workers. On the contrary, in the absence of a safe and friendly environment, they are less willing to take the risks to lose their job or promotion opportunities. Working in a LGBT-friendly working environment releases a lot of stress for their daily life and in the same time boost up their potential and performance that benefit the company ultimately.


4. Coming out to church: In fact, there are many LGBT people concealing their identities in almost every church. They share the same beliefs in different religious like others. Some of them grew up in the church environment with their parents, and some joined the church for different reasons. In any case, unless the church does not take a discriminating stance against LGBT people, they are likely choose to leave or confess their identity due to the doctrine of the church. Unfortunately, some churches will force them to convert or not to tell anybody in the church so as to stay there. All these hurt their faith in their religious beliefs.


5. Coming out publicly: Publicly come out, or being an openly LGBT person mean that they do not conceal their identity to anybody but not necessary disclose their identity to the public, such as to the media. Usually LGBT people who are very well committed with their identity with a positive thinking, and well prepared to face attacks and challenges will ultimately come out publicly. Public disclosure is also a very powerful advocacy tool in the equality movement, but that person must has a deep understanding of the community and theoretical knowledge. They should also be a person with logical thinking and strong public speaking technique, otherwise they will very easily be under attack by both the public as well as from within the LGBT community.


6. Kicked out of the closet (by others): It is the act of disclosing an LGBT person's sexual orientation or gender identity without that person's consent while they are not ready yet.


Trans Ally


Being a Transgender Ally one does not have to fully comprehend, understand or agree about what is transgender. What most important is to accept others who are different from you Believe that each individual is unique and should be respected. Everyone have inherent rights and obligations in society and should not be treated unequally due to their different sexual orientation or gender identity.


Trans Buddy

Trans Buddy denotes a friend or more than an ally of transgender people. Growing up, transgender people often experienced suppression of feelings and discriminations due to traditional moral and ethical values. They gradually formed a distrust of others, a self-defence mechanism. They often believe that no one will accept and understand what they want and will lead to different kind of difficulties in their life. The meaning of Trans Buddy is to encourage more people in society to be their supporters by entering into their life,  learn more about what is transgender, the community characteristics and the difficulties they have they have experienced in daily life. Advocating equal rights in daily life so that transgender people can live a better life. Be their friend so that they can be more confident to reveal and discover their true self, and thus able to choose the best way to live. Being a Trans Buddy, the most important is accompany and listening. Trans Buddy is definitely the guardian angel to every transgender person that let them dare to be who they are.


Whether you have LGBT people around you, or do not know if there are, you can follow some simple principles and become more LGBT-sensitive. You are not able to know whether there are any LGBT people in your life as in many cases they cannot be recognized simply by their appearance or behavior. This group of people will not open to you unless there is a safe environment. It’s all depends on you for such an environment.


● Listen patiently to their story, be prepared to learn and challenge your gender awareness with an open mind.

● Ask the person how they want to be called or addressed.

● Say something that encourages, such as "No matter what gender you are, you are always a good friend of mine", "What a company requires is a person's ability, not their gender".

● Talk about some positive LGBT icons.

● Display some LGBT-friendly publications, signs, rainbow flags etc. in a conspicuous place.

● Promote anti-discrimination messages to friends in a friendly manner; understand more about human rights awareness and the meaning of LGBT equality. Changes come from love and sharing, not coercion and blame.



● Don’t judge or discuss a person's SOGIE status or try to find out whether they are transgender, homosexual or not.

● Don't criticize or deny but respect their self-understanding when you are being told about their SOGIE status.

● Don't casually disclose their SOGIE status to others or even to their family unless you have their consent.

● Don't ask them to or help them to make a decision if they are still exploring their SOGIE status. Gender is non-binary and can be fluid. For gender-fluid people, they do not identify themselves as having a fixed gender. They may also change over time, environment or mood. Gender can also be undefined and doubting it is not anything wrong.

● Don't often stress or overemphasize gender stereotypes and binary sexuality, such as "men are strong" or "women should be feminine", etc.

● Even if you want to express your acceptance or friendliness, you shouldn’t keep mentioning their own SOGIE status, unless they initiate it.

● If you do not know about the status of someone, you should avoid gossiping or joking on their SOGIE status. You should be sensitive and pay attention to the reaction of others regarding the SOGIE topics.

● You should avoid using gender pronouns such as "Mr" or "Miss" towards LGBT people even if society generally considered it a courtesy to do so. It is better to make sure what pronoun a person prefers by asking them.

● Don't make assumptions about a person's other half must be the opposite sex, so avoid question like: "What is your girlfriend's job?" because this might embarrass others. You can try to use "partner" or "the other half" instead.

● Avoid any physical contact even the person is the same gender as you. You should be scrupulous with all people even though you understand their SOGIE status.

● Don't ask a person about their name used before, or ask to see their old photos, unless you know the person does not mind. Some transgender people are very concerned about their past or even feel disgusted with it. Mentioning it carelessly may hurt their feelings.

● Don't ask about the person's gender or their genitals condition unless you know it is ok to do so, and never make any judgement on that.

● The formation of identity and self-expression of transgender people vary from person to person and the process of exploration and transitioning is always different. We should not assume that a transgender person should achieve a certain standard or should entirely resemble the opposite gender, nor should one be forced to fit in with the social norm.


Hong Kong Transgender Legal Rights and Advocacy Timeline

*The timeline below shows only information we can collect at the moment and is not representing the whole history.


1. In 1985, the first sex reassignment surgery took place in Hong Kong.


2. In 1986, Queen Mary Hospital set up the very first Gender Identity Clinic in Hong Kong, led by Dr. Ng Man Lun. It provided one-stop assessment services to Hong Kong citizens who would like to undergo sex reassignment surgery. Members include clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, urologists, social workers, genetics doctors, orthopedic surgeons and lawyers. 


3. In 1988, Dr Yuen Wai-cheung began to perform sex reassignment surgery in Hong Kong.


4. In 1998, 變性邊緣人 written by Ye Jiaming and Li Peien was published by SCMP Book Publishing Limited. 


5. In 2000, broadband Internet access became more common and the crossdressing community began to converge on the Internet. 


6. Around the year 2000, several people who underwent sex reassignment surgery in Hong Kong formed a liaison group (the predecessor of TEAM).


7. In 2002, the first large-scale forum for crossdressers, "hkcdfamily", established.


8. In June 2003, the renowned radio program host Hung Chiufung published his new book, 繾綣男女, which interviewed 10 persons including those who have desire to change their sex, underwent sex reassignment surgery and crossdressers.


9. In 2003, the term "transgender" was introduced in the community. Some of the transsexual people used this term to differentiate themselves from crossdressers which arouse some certain disputes within the community.


10. In 2003, effort made by transgender group and academics successfully requested the Immigration Department to remove the mark of gender change on the identity document.


11. 2004, the transsexual people liaison group was registered under the name “Transgender Equality and Acceptance Movement” (TEAM) as a non-profit-making organization.


12. In 2004, the community began to discuss the judicial review of the transsexual marriage rights to the Government, but was unable to find any litigants.


13. In 2005, Dr. Ng Man Lun retired, the only sex clinic for GID assessment was closed.


14. In 2008 Transgender Resource Center (TGR) was established.


15. In 2008, Miss W brought the case of transsexual marriage right to court for judicial review.


16. In 2009, W v Registrar of Marriages case was in session. With the extensive discussions in the community, Joanne Leung, chairperson of "Transgender Resource Center", standing out as a transgender lesbian Christian and received a lot media coverage. Transgender Resource Center has also begun to develop various supporting services to the group, as well as public education and advocacy projects.


17. In 2010, the Court of First Instance upheld the Registrar's decision on W’s case.


18. In 2011, the Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal of W’s case.


19. In 2011, Transgender Resource Center published the first Handbook: Gossip Boys and Girls Book 1 – Domestic Transgender Reading Manual.


20. In April 2012, the Immigration Department tightened the requirement for changing the gender marker on the ID card. The applicant must have completed the reconstruction of the genitalia and compulsory sterilization. Before the change, applicant only needs to show a letter from any surgeon in any country to certify the person has completed a sex reassignment surgery which could provide more flexibility.


21. In May 2013, the Court of Final Appeal overturned the Register’s decision and issued a stay in July to put the decision of letting W to marry her boyfriend on hold for a year to allow Government time to amend the law to give transsexual people the right of marriage after they change their sex. It also urged the Government to enact a comprehensive Gender Recognition Ordinance with reference to relevant laws of the United Kingdom.


22. In June 2013, the Government set up an Advisory Group on Eliminating Discrimination against Sexual Minorities, which included representatives of various stakeholders such as Joanne Leung, Siu Cho and Chan Chi-chuen.


23. In 2013, the Sexual Orientation Discrimination Legislation Front and Hong Kong Queer Alliance (HKQA) established, its aims to include sexual orientation and gender identity protection in the discrimination law. Transgender Resource Center is a member of the HKQA.


24. In 2013, to prepare for the Marriage (Amendment) Bill 2014 proposed by the Government, Transgender Resource Center and other LGBT, legal and human rights organizations organized seminars and discussions and put in much effort in lobby and advocacy work. Transgender Resource Center has a consent with the other LGB organizations of striving for no surgical requirements for transsexual people to acquire gender change on legal ID and recognize transsexual marriage is a heterosexual marriage which is not a stepstone for legalizing gay marriage.


25. In January 2014, the Equal Opportunities Commission launched the Study on Legislation against Discrimination on the Grounds of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status.


26. In February 2014, the Government submitted the Marriage (Amendment) Bill to the Legislative Council and set up an Inter-departmental Working Group to study the feasibility of the Gender Recognition Ordinance. However, the Government's proposal lacks public consultation and it was drafted based solely on the advice of one single expert who was the surgeon who conduct sex reassignment surgery in Hong Kong without enough knowledge on transgenderism and transsexualism. The draft was so crude that it aroused strong opposition from both groups who support as well as against transgender rights. It caused another round of extensive discussion and media coverage on transgender in Hong Kong.


27. In February 2014, Transgender Resource Center, Pink Alliance and Big Love Alliance formed a strategic front to express their views at the public hearing of the Government proposed Marriage (Amendment) Bill. There are also other transgender individuals, LGBT groups and anti-LGBT individuals made speeches also. Unfortunately the other transgender individuals expressed their support of full sex reassignment surgery as a prerequisite in the bill. Fortunately singer Denise Ho was one of the representative from Big Love Alliance gave a strong statement together with Joanne Leung and that became the focus of media coverage. Dr. Ng Man-lun, the first person to provide gender assessment in Hong Kong, opposed sex reassignment surgery as prerequisite, while Dr. Yuen Wai-cheung, insisted genital reconstruction was necessary which went against the prohibition of forced sterilization, advocated by United Nations and International Organizations. They have a very strong debate at the Legislative Council on the Marriage (Amendment) Bill.


28. In March 2014, TGR and TEAM received the letter from the World Association of Transgender Health Professionals (WPATH) to press the Government by supporting our position on no surgical requirement to acquire gender change for transgender people.


29. In March 2014, the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau has commissioned Policy 21 Limited (the Consultant) to conduct a study on whether sexual minorities are being discriminated against in Hong Kong.


30. In March and October 2014, Pink Alliance members and Joanne Leung went to Geneva, United Nations and gave a verbal presentation to CEDAW committee members on how transgender people were being oppressed in Hong Kong.


31. In 2014, Transgender Resource Center and Pink Alliance began a lobbying campaign for Legislative Council members who did not have a strong oppose to LGBT equality. They also met with senior officials of the Security Bureau who proposed the Marriage (Amendment) Bill in the hope that the Government would not press the Pro-establishment legislators to pass the Bill.


32. In July 2014, the government has made an announcement as it failed to pass a revised draft within one year according to the CFA order. The announcement stated that any person in the same situation as Miss W, that has undergone the government-mandated complete SRS, whether they are FtM or MtF, can register for marriage in Hong Kong with the opposite sex in accordance to their new gender.


33. In October 2014, the Marriage (Amendment) Bill was being voted down during the second reading by a majority. 


34. In 2015, Miss W's solicitor prepared for a judicial review for Mr Q, who is a Female to Male transgender person has not undergone sex reassignment surgery unlike Ms W.


35. In 2015, Transgender Resource Center published Gossip Boys and Girls Book 2 – A Handbook for Parents of Trans People.


36. On 31 December 2015, the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau published a two-year work report proposing a number of recommendation on safeguards against discrimination towards sexual minorities. However, no definite timetable has been set for legislative consultation.


37. On 26 January 2016, the Equal Opportunities Commission published the results of a study entitled "Report on Study on Legislation against Discrimination on the Grounds of

Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status".


38. In February 2016, Transgender Resource Center published the Gossip Boys and Girls Book 3 – A Handbook for Trans Ally.


Author’s bio

Joanne was born as a boy in Hong Kong and completed her Sex Reassignment Surgery in 2009 after struggling for over 40 years. Yet she still insists to claim herself as a Transgender Lesbian Christian even after she has acquired her legal gender as a female. She is now a public figure in the LGBT movement devoted to the supporting works in the community as well as advocacy for LGBT and human rights in Hong Kong and Mainland China.


She founded Transgender Resource Center (TGR) in 2008 and have been the chairperson since then. The aim of the organization is promote public understanding and acceptance regarding the transgender community, and to provide resources and support for transgender people. She also took up the chair position of the leading LGBT organization Pink Alliance from 2015 to 2017 and brought the largest LGBT activity Pink Dot into Hong Kong.


In 2012, Joanne was selected one of the "45 People aged 45 or below making a difference in Hong Kong" by Baccarat Magazine and in 2013 she received the “She dare to change” Award by HER Fund. In 2016, Joanne has taken a big step forward in the LGBT movement by joining the Democratic Party as the first transgender politician in Hong Kong and participated in the Legislative Council pre-election trying to push for change not only for the LGBT community but a broader group of people in civil society.


In 2017, the U.S. Consulate Hong Kong and Macau selected Joanne as this year’s nominee for the Secretary’s International Women of Courage Award honoring women who have demonstrated exceptional courage, strength, and leadership in acting to improve others' lives. 


Nobody is born LGBTI
We are just born different
Those labels exist because
of "Prejudice"


This project is sponsored by
Equal Opportunities (Sexual Orientation) Funding Scheme
Any contents of this material do not represent the position of Government of HKSAR

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MtF.wiki ── 關於男跨女的資訊

網站: https://mtf.wiki/
跨性别导航 https://2345.lgbt/
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FtM.wiki ── 關於女跨男的資訊




網站: https://tfsci.mtf.wiki/zh-cn/



TransNation.asia 「跨樂園」成立於2015年,是亞州首個跨性別主題交友及資訊分享平台,期望通過網上科技,提供交友、生活及論壇版塊,連繫中、港、台及亞洲各地區的性別友善人群,尤其是跨性別者、間性人及跨性別粉司群體,在網絡世界交流、支持、分享,甚至發展情緣。「跨」是跨越的意思,舉凡在性別身份上被視為另類的,這個國度也是TA們的樂園!





跨性别生活社 Trans-Life

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Here is some information for people who need immediate emotional support. Different people have different needs, the following information is for reference, and it does not reflect our viewpoint, direction or recommendation.


Emotional Support Website

Little Prince is Depressed

Provided by Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention

Link: http://www.depression.edu.hk


Smart Patient - Depression

Provided by the Hospital Authority

Link: http://www21.ha.org.hk/smartpatient/tc/chronicdiseases_zone/details.html?id=175


Depressy Trouble

Provided by Depressy Trouble

Link: http://depressytrouble.tw/index.php/quiz/


Emotional Support Reading


抑鬱自療 (Chinese)

Author : 湯國鈞、李靜慧、呂慧詩

ISBN : 978-962-8913-95-4

Publication date : 2008-02-01

Price : HK$ 98.00

Page number: 264

Link: http://www.btproduct.com/tc/book/product.php?id=9168453



Emotional Support Organization

The Hong Kong Satir Center For Human Development

Promoting and developing the Systemic Satir Model and other personalism counselling and therapy in Hong Kong.

Link: http://www.hksatir.org/chinese/index.html

Sexuality Zone - Supportive & Counseling Service on Sexual Behavior of Youth

Hotline: 6188-5555  (also for whatsapp)

Link: http://www.facebook.com/caritas.szproject

The Samaritan Befriends Hong Kong

Established in 1960, it is a Hong Kong based voluntary service organization. Always look up to the Samaritan in the bible who show kindness, friendliness and helping out for people in need. They reach out for people in desperate and critical condition to support them and give them emotional counseling, the aim is to help yourself by helping others.

Link: http://www.sbhk.org.hk

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

24 hour hotline: 2389-2222


Tung Wah Group of Hospitals CEASE Crisis Centre

Crisis interference and support service, mainly for victims of sexual violence, family violence, or other personal or household crisis. They provide all kind of service, such as 24 hour hotline, reach out service and short term lodging services.

Link: http://ceasecrisis.tungwahcsd.org

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

24 hour hotline: 18281